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Thread: Help Golf Mk3 Tdi won't start

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    SE Queensland Hinterland

    Help Golf Mk3 Tdi won't start

    Hi guys, wonder if you can help me. My Mk3 Tdi won't start this morning despite usual use yesterday. I have a had a small fuel leak problem the last few weeks, basically there is a leak somewhere which I can smell particularly as I come up to lights or get home after a run. I have replaced the fuel return lines between the injectors, which were leaking, but there is still a small leak somewhere. That may not be connected to the problem this morning.

    The engine turns over fine, there is 20 litres of fuel in it, and the fuel filter is new. There is a clear hose from the fuel filter to the injector, which is empty of fuel, so I took the fuel line off, turned over the engine and there is no suction from the injector. So I am thinking fuel solenoid or fuel injector pump problem. Ideas please, no mechanics around till after new year, besides none of them like my car! Am I correct in thinking there is no other fuel pump besides the injector?

    Mk3 Golf Tdi about to sell
    Mk 1 Golf GLD somewhere in a paddock!
    Mk1 Golf Cabriolet
    MK2 Golf Turbo diesel engine and 5 sp gearbox

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by sparkie View Post
    Hi guys, wonder if you can help me. My Mk3 Tdi won't start this morning despite usual use yesterday. I have a had a small fuel leak problem the last few weeks, basically there is a leak somewhere which I can smell particularly as I come up to lights or get home after a run. I have replaced the fuel return lines between the injectors, which were leaking, but there is still a small leak somewhere. That may not be connected to the problem this morning.

    The engine turns over fine, there is 20 litres of fuel in it, and the fuel filter is new. There is a clear hose from the fuel filter to the injector, which is empty of fuel, so I took the fuel line off, turned over the engine and there is no suction from the injector. So I am thinking fuel solenoid or fuel injector pump problem. Ideas please, no mechanics around till after new year, besides none of them like my car! Am I correct in thinking there is no other fuel pump besides the injector?

    You have a leak you say, could be air pocket for the non start. You will burn a starter out trying to start it if thata the case. You could try to crack the injectors and turn ot over to do a quick bleed or worst case liek we have to do with the T4 is purge the tank with compressed air whilst someone turns it over, this pushes the fuel up, if it goes you have air getting in and most likely happens when it sits over night, its called leak back
    See how you go
    Alba European
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  3. #3
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    Thanks Jmac, I am worried I can't feel a vacuum at the fuel intake pipe to the injector pump. Should I feel something? I have tried to test the solenoid, and it clicks when energised, so I reckon that' not the problem. I'll go purge the tank now and see where I get to. Both my other vehicles are out too!
    Mk3 Golf Tdi about to sell
    Mk 1 Golf GLD somewhere in a paddock!
    Mk1 Golf Cabriolet
    MK2 Golf Turbo diesel engine and 5 sp gearbox

  4. #4
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    Make sure if you do this you have someone trying to start it mate. Try and start it as air and diesel dont mix, im sure i dont need to tell u that though seeing as you have a swag of diesels. Only takes 1 of the 4 glow plugs to be down to make a it a pain to start to mate
    Alba European
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  5. #5
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    Thanks for the reminder, Jmac, purging the tank did the trick! I knew there was not much fuel in the tank when I got in last night, so I reckon it had all drained back into the tank and what with the air leaks... So it started once fuel came through. Watching the clear pipe after the filter there's a few very fine bubbles of air in the fuel, then every so often a larger lot, than back to only a few, so it looks like I have more leaks to look for. Just as well I am on holidays. Got to send the Landrover Discovery back to the mechanic as it is pissing out oil after the new clutch was fitted...
    Mk3 Golf Tdi about to sell
    Mk 1 Golf GLD somewhere in a paddock!
    Mk1 Golf Cabriolet
    MK2 Golf Turbo diesel engine and 5 sp gearbox

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by sparkie View Post
    Thanks for the reminder, Jmac, purging the tank did the trick! I knew there was not much fuel in the tank when I got in last night, so I reckon it had all drained back into the tank and what with the air leaks... So it started once fuel came through. Watching the clear pipe after the filter there's a few very fine bubbles of air in the fuel, then every so often a larger lot, than back to only a few, so it looks like I have more leaks to look for. Just as well I am on holidays. Got to send the Landrover Discovery back to the mechanic as it is pissing out oil after the new clutch was fitted...
    Happy to help with good old fashioned tech albeit from Thailand lol
    Last edited by Jmac; 13-01-2013 at 09:11 PM.
    Alba European
    Service, Diagnostics and repairs. Mobile Diag available on request
    Audi/VW/Porsche Factory trained tech 25+ yrs exp
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