Help Golf Mk3 Tdi won't start
Hi guys, wonder if you can help me. My Mk3 Tdi won't start this morning despite usual use yesterday. I have a had a small fuel leak problem the last few weeks, basically there is a leak somewhere which I can smell particularly as I come up to lights or get home after a run. I have replaced the fuel return lines between the injectors, which were leaking, but there is still a small leak somewhere. That may not be connected to the problem this morning.
The engine turns over fine, there is 20 litres of fuel in it, and the fuel filter is new. There is a clear hose from the fuel filter to the injector, which is empty of fuel, so I took the fuel line off, turned over the engine and there is no suction from the injector. So I am thinking fuel solenoid or fuel injector pump problem. Ideas please, no mechanics around till after new year, besides none of them like my car! Am I correct in thinking there is no other fuel pump besides the injector?
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