It has 3 pins, +5V, Earth and Signal.
Well guys I swapped out the sensor before I left work and entered the new code I found (see new thread) into Coding II and it seems like I am all good. I logged some parameters the whole drive home and it looks good. Soot level dropped from 20% to 5% within minutes and further went down to 0% during the drive home. DPF light went off on dash within minutes too. Failed regen counter went to 0. Started driving perfectly again. I'll post the log tomorrow.
My car was doing really funny thing when it was doing forced regens, most noticeably the gear shifts were really wacky. Especially when downshifting, say I was holding 2000 rpm in 5th and downshifted, the revs dropped to about 1500rpm for a second then shot back up to say 3000rpm. Its like the clutch/s was being disengaged for far too long and the rev matching wasn't working. I wonder if it is just because my tune (Superchips Bluefin) doesn't play nice with regens. I certainly wouldn't have been happy if my stock car did that every month or so.
Graph after new sensor installed, stupidly didn't log RPM