Originally Posted by
I haven't read every post in this thread about economy and biodiesel and stuff, but I have a MY07 2.0 TDI and it says on the inside of the fuel flap, 'Not for Biodiesel'.
I guess there is a reason for saying that, but I am not sure why.
I am also a bit surprised how many want to run their tanks dry to see how many K's they get out of a tank.
The lower the level of fuel in the tank, the more chance there is of picking up some accumulated muck off the bottom of the tank.
As good as the filters are, a minute bit of muck in the fuel could cost you an injector, especially with CRD. Deep pockets needed there.
In my opinion, play it safe and only run down to about half a tank and then fill up again. It is still very easy to work out your lts. per 100 kms that way.
I also have a 12HT powered Landcruiser and never let that go down below quarter of a tank.
I figure that I have to fill up at some stage, and there is less likelyhood of condensation in the tank if it is kept fairly full.
Fuel is picked up from the bottom of the tank, so I don't see the logic in not using all the fuel in your tank... other than in areas where there are hot days and really cold nights and condensation can form inside the tank - then water sinks to bottom of tank... then thats what your water tap is for on the fuel filter!
\( O ) o\====(\X/)=TDI=/o ( O )/ 2011 Jetta Mk5 125TDI - Squidly
((o)(O))====(\X/)=TDI=((O)(o)) 1996 Golf Mk3 TDI - Squid