Yes, it can be done and has been done. You need to get hold of an engine and box complete with all electrics and filters. Tank is OK as the petrol car has a fuel return line. If you could get a front cut all would be there.
Hi All
After coming to the realization that i wont come across a Gen 3 tdi again, does anyone have any info on converting a Gen 3 golf with a petrol engine with an imported TDI engine?? Do things like the fuel tank have to be changed as well, can an after market fuel pump be used to supply the fuel pressure?? Engine in relation to gearbox (same box as tdi???) Engine mounts ect ect..... might be to many ???? But could be a good project.
Yes, it can be done and has been done. You need to get hold of an engine and box complete with all electrics and filters. Tank is OK as the petrol car has a fuel return line. If you could get a front cut all would be there.
brackie fuel pump in the mk3 petrol needs to be changed on this conversion also......if tis any early mk 3 tdi the change is easier with the acc cable ..but a later TDI engine will also need the acc pedal and dash cluster to work correctly....which you also need to include ignition transponder and control unit as the injector pump is controlled by your imobilizer..not to scare you off but a 94 TDI front cut would be the easiest way to go cheers steve
Right, Steve. The earlier ones are much easier. Later ones with transponders and more sophisticated engine management are definitely in the realms of a front cut conversion.
You've really got to ask yourself (as I have done), "Is it worth it??" Probably the extra expenses in the conversion ...we all know the way in which little bits and pieces add up... would reply, "No". And after all of this you still have to get it through Engineering. It's a nice dream.
Thanks yall for the info
How much is the engineers cert. ?? I thought it was about 500 bucs. A front cut cant be that much could it... any ideas on $$$. Might be best to try my best and save my pennies for a 2.0 tdi....
Cheers Dudes
Why would you need an engineering certificate?
Yeah why would you need and eng. cert. ?? your not really altering the structure of the car (engine mounts and so forth...).
Oil for thought
I don't know about the state that you live in, but in most if you change the fuel type (LPG, diesel) then it needs to be certified.
As far as I know it's only if you increase engine capacity by more than 300cc(?) or make major structural changes. Who would ever know?
The conversion would be very extensive, if done completely, and a lot of messing around. More extensive than my conversion!!!
The engine wiring will work with any mk3 relay box, and the dash will work correctly. So wiring is pretty easy.
If you would like a manual gearbox, then you can use the standard mk3 2.0L petrol 020 box, or swap over to the proper item. I suggest using the correct gearbox to overcome gear ratio issues, diesels obviously rev differently. But, to use the proper gearbox, then you need to try and find a cable clutch actuator for the gearbox. These items can sometimes be hard to find. On the other hand, you can swap over to hydraulic clutch, which means pulling out the steering column, changing pedal boxes, installing a clutch master system, reservoir feed lines, master to slave lines, etc... To then mount the gearbox, you will need the correct mounts, both front and rear tranny mounts... You will also need to swap in a cable change gearbox selectors, as the 2.0L ones are linkages...Standard 2.0L drive shafts will line up, clutches can be harder to find.
Engine wise, you will need to get pumps, maybe a different tank, maybe lines, chances are you'll need a different catalytic convertor and exhaust/manifold...
Even if you find a full wreck to strip parts from, this conversion WILL COST YOU AROUND $3,000AUD!!!
I am sorry if I sunk your battleship, but if you can still justify the savings you will make by running the car on diesel, then go ahead!! But personally I couldn't do it...
If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask!!