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Thread: DPF replacement...$4000!...Anybody know a good exhaust mod place in Melbourne?

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    with the dust and flies in western Victoria

    I've pointed this out before but I'll do it again. The DPF delete will certainly be a boon but it won't be illegal unless the result is a frequent cloud of black smoke from your exhaust pipe. In which case, even I would report you (if I saw you) to the EPA because the stuff is not nice.

    One way to get around this is a Particulate Filter Catalyst from Microfresh Filters (Australian company too) Diesel Catalytic Converter Diesel Particulate Filter Catalyst. This is a toy that is essential to the underground mining industry where diesel particulates can be extremely dangerous....mining companies use them in conjunction with an end of pipe filter to really cut down on the tiny stuff but it isn't necessary for overground work.

    All you have to do is replace the stock catalytic converter in your exhaust system with one of these. For a 2.5L TDI engine with a 2 inch exhaust system I was quoted $1,500.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Reading these forums and living in Europe I'm horrified at the prices for VW parts in Oz. I've heard quotes for a DPF replacement in the UK for a VW T5 come in at just over AUD$2000. That seems to be about half of what I'm hearing here, or are commercial engines cheaper ?

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Highlands NSW

    Private importer

    Quote Originally Posted by GTI-VW View Post
    Reading these forums and living in Europe I'm horrified at the prices for VW parts in Oz. I've heard quotes for a DPF replacement in the UK for a VW T5 come in at just over AUD$2000. That seems to be about half of what I'm hearing here, or are commercial engines cheaper ?
    Sounds like a nice little earner coming up for an entrepreneurial importer in a few short years. Might have to go into partnership with you.
    You know you are getting old when you cancel your order for a 3.6 CC and buy an Icelandic Gray TDI CC instead.

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