Hey Guys,

Installed a Boost Gauge in my MkV Jetta and thought I'd share the DIY with you all. Enjoy.

The tools you’ll find handy are shown in the picture above
The Torx is size 25, the ring spanner is 16/17mm and the socket is about
11 mm from memory

Remove the stone guard from underneath (about 12 Torx from memory)

Remove the throttle pipe by unclipping at each end(Bottom end shown, top end goes into inlet manifold). Don’t forget to remove the sensor plug (circled)! Note: some oil will drip from the throttle pipe so don’t be too alarmed.

Here is the throttle pipe once removed. The arrows indicate the following:
Black: the retaining clip for the pipe join
Green: the air pressure(?) sensor.
Blue: Unclips from coolant hose
Red: Bolt needs to be undone from block

Once the throttle pipe is out, it’s time to drill the hole for the pressure fitting. Ensure you drill into the top of the throttle pipe to avoid any oil and crud fouling the impulse line to your gauge. As shown below. Tap and deburr the hole, and clean the inside of the pipe to be rid of any shavings then place your fitting.

Attach your impulse line to the pressure fitting and replace the throttle pipe making sure the sensor is re-attached and all bolts are tight and clips secure. Run your impulse line so that it won’t foul against hot or rotating surfaces and get it back into the cabin. Since I have the DSG, I used the grommet reserved for the clutch pedal. From the outside:

And the inside:

Route the impulse line up to the gauge (wherever you decide to mount it).

With the power supply to the gauge, you need to remove the headlight switch and maybe the lower part of the dash on the driver’s side (depending on how much access you need) so you can access the dimming plug.

Lower dash out (check Vortex for instructions on this)

What you need is access to this plug (and this grey wire in particular):

This is the dimming wire for the instrument cluster so you need to “T” into this line. You can earth your gauge here (you can see the “T” in the lower left of the pic):

Connect the earth and power to your gauge and place the gauge as desired. OSIR Opod in my case. The only other thing I did is put a 330 Ohm resistor in the power supply to the gauge to reduce the brightness a little. To fit the gauge into the pod I found the adaptor ring had to be lightly glued to the body to stop the tendency to rotate or shift out towards the driver.

The gauge in the pod:

The finished product(after this pic was taken I placed the 330 Ohm resistor which dimmed the colour to almost OEM):