What youa re experiencing is sadly pretty common.
You will have a high DPF blockage percentage. Your only options is a forced regeneration either by the dealer or by a shop with VAGCOM.
Vagcom is able to force a regen. From experience the issue will come back and it seems once they get to this blockage point the regen will last from a couple of days to a few months.
Currently the car is dumping fuel and in limp mode to protect it from further issues. Not the best to keep driving too much im afraid.
By law youa re unable to remove the DPF as its part of the emmissions system.
They are likely to be a few grand to replace.
A decent ecu tune will actually run cleaner and allow the dpf a happier life but you need to get the regen numbers into the green so its out of limp mode. The longer you drive it the more clogged it will get so be aware of that.
Feel free to PM me for more info and we are in Canberra next week which may be of help to you.