Quote Originally Posted by gldgti
amen to that. careful, asio might be sniffing around, and we'll be branded terrorists and taken to cuba for a nice long holiday
Cuba? oh I wish. cuba doesn't torture people, they fix you for free (free cataract operations regardless of who you are what your immigration status is, free, for everyone, i mean everyone. they send docs to other countries for free too)
you mean guantanamo, america, the torture capital of the universe, with baxter woomera villawood paling by comparison.
I don't care cause living as subsistance farmers up a mountain isn't going to interest anyone unless your on a mineral deposit.
If you know what looks like prey to them you can simply be the precise opposite, be a farmer reather then an activist, if they have time to come after you for farming hand to mouth they can't last long with such poor managment of their resources.
If a tiger comes to your door you don't actually need to fight it hand to hand, you can leave the door shut, and move a week later.
It's like my cure for airsickness and seasickness, it's foolproof. I just sit under a tree for a while and it passes.

One thing nobody ever prepares for is the fall of the empire. You'll be off to work tomorrow and thats how everyone dissapears into history like the myans incans... whoever.

Argh ! that does it I have to kick myself off the forum for being offtopic repeatedly. A suspension is in order, I think I'll ban myself from calling again for a day or two 8-)