Originally Posted by
We wouldn't need to help evolution along too much. The plankton that was manufacturing and storing oil was doing it pretty well during the Mesozoic and before. Perhaps a little genetic engineering would help.
The key is money. Don't think that even if we could get plankton farms happening it would bring down the price of fuel. Governments and national economies are driven by profit, and corporations and tax gatherers would make damned sure that the price didn't go down. If anything, they would increase it saying, "If you really care about the environment then you'll pay the extra" (even if they could produce it more cheaply).
Resurrected thread

Hmmm genetic engineering, playing with fire perhaps. To recreate the the natural process in small scale lab experiments should be feasable (the boffins created in a glass dome the building blocks of life using basic proteins etc with gases and electrical current{lightning replecation} to get the 'primordial soup'). But to genetically engineer the right conditions to produce the base for fossil fuels I feel is a long way off, nigh impossible regarding the immense pressures and time taken to make the brew we need to refine to get the end product. Then we have to look at the CO2 problem. I agree with Brackie with the underground hidy hole method will not work.
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