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Thread: ChippedUK ST3 the alternative to Bluefin

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2007


    hve yu receivedd yur st3 yet

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    I received mine and am very happy with the power improvement.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    The Land of Oz

    Measured or anecdotal?

    When you guys get yours installed, I would be very interested to see the results quantified. Even if you don't dyno, just comparative 0-100kph or L/100km figures would be great as I'm seriously considering this for the claimed economy gain if nothing else. It would soon pay for itself with current diesel prices.
    Last edited by cetane; 10-06-2008 at 06:37 AM. Reason: Old age

  4. #14
    Join Date
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    Yeah right.....

    "Hey honey, can I get a chip that'll save us a lot of money in diesel?"

    not a bad idea mate!
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  5. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by cogdoc View Post
    Yeah right.....

    "Hey honey, can I get a chip that'll save us a lot of money in diesel?"

    not a bad idea mate!
    Hey that's exactly how I sold the idea to the missus! Well that and the fact that it was a "never to be repeated special offer".

    I have a G-tech Pro SS performance meter, so I will hook it up one day and get some performance figures. The 'seatofthepantsometer' suggests that 0-100 is about 7.5 secs (no launch control, so take off is pretty poor), and so far fuel economy appears to be around 0.3l/100lm better than stock (meaning my awesome oiler should average nearly 1000km per tank ).

    Anyway forget 0-100 times, it's the in gear acceleration where diesels are at their best, and with a torque to weight ratio similar to your average 6.0L V8, you can imagine how hard they pull once you're rolling. You can be putting along at 70, then plant your foot in 4th gear and it will pin you against the seat.

    However, the best thing about the 'fast road' map is that despite being more powerful, the car is actually more civilised. The power delivery is very smooth and oh so effortless, and the 'hole' that is present below 1800 rpm is gone.

    Anyway, big thumbs up to Logzy who discovered this great product.
    Former GT Sport TDI owner.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Seat of the pants and quoted figures on a website are all very well but is anyone game to put one of these on the dyno? It would be good to see how good the mapping really is. It would be good to see what $600 buys.

    It would actually be good to see how smooth all the curves are. Get the fuel curve on there also.

    Find a dyno that has 'shoot out' mode so you can compare apples with apples. Whether they're the same colour is another question though

  7. #17
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    Nov 2007
    $600 buys you immense satisfaction.

    It would be good to see the dyno figures and curves, but at the end of the day you don't need pretty graphs to tell you how a car is performing, it's how the car feels when you drive it that matters, and it feels fantastic.

    My guess is (having driven 'Bluefinned' cars before) is that Bluefin would probably produce more power, but also be a little more brutal in it's delivery. It's a pity there aren't any GT TDI owners in Perth with Bluefin, otherwise I would perform the ultimate comparison of acceleration- a straight line run across 400m of black top (at Motorplex, Kwinana of course ). Hmmm actually, it's about time they saw an oiler down at the drags .... might wait until I get a better induction system first...
    Former GT Sport TDI owner.

  8. #18
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    Feb 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by orsegtsport View Post
    $600 buys you immense satisfaction.

    It would be good to see the dyno figures and curves, but at the end of the day you don't need pretty graphs to tell you how a car is performing, it's how the car feels when you drive it that matters, and it feels fantastic.

    My guess is (having driven 'Bluefinned' cars before) is that Bluefin would probably produce more power, but also be a little more brutal in it's delivery. It's a pity there aren't any GT TDI owners in Perth with Bluefin, otherwise I would perform the ultimate comparison of acceleration- a straight line run across 400m of black top (at Motorplex, Kwinana of course ). Hmmm actually, it's about time they saw an oiler down at the drags .... might wait until I get a better induction system first...
    I beg to differ. I believe there is a lot more to it than seat of the pants and how fast it will go up the quarter.
    At the end of the day its a diesel and not a race car. I do believe its a performance car in its own right and the pretty graphs will actually give you a better comparison than anyones back end sitting in a chair.
    It will also give everyone else out there who hasn't purchased new maps for their car something to look over so they know their money is well spent.

  9. #19
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    I'm not disputing that there's valuable information to gained from dyno graphs, but nothing tells you more about a car's performance than actually driving it. If you are given the choice between buying a tuning product based on a dyno graph, or actually test driving a car fitted with the product, you would go with the latter option wouldn't you?

    Dyno graphs are good for illustrating performance gains to prospective purchasers, but I reckon testimonials from several very satisfied customers are even more valuable. Where driveability is concerned, a graph can't compare to actually having a drive of the car imo. And if you want to compare the outright performance gains in terms of power and speed, then I'll take side by side acceleration tests over a dyno shootout any day of the week.

    I actually went to the drags in my old XR5 to compare my dreamscience map against the bluefin map that my mate was running in his XR5. The Bluefin dyno graphs claimed to have roughly the same power and torque, but I knew from driving both that I had a performance edge. Anyway, I ran 14 flats all night, and he ran 14.3's, which confirmed what I suspected. Sure there is driver skill involved in such comparisons, but he was a very competent driver, and our 60ft times were very similar, so I'm happy that it was simply a case of my map out performing his.
    Former GT Sport TDI owner.

  10. #20
    Join Date
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    The Land of Oz

    Both right!

    You guys are both correct. Car performance is all about how the thing drives and feels, however when you're recounting your experiences to someone else they need something to look at as they cannot feel it themselves.

    My "honey" is going to get a request for "money". I'm convinced that I won't be disappointed, however I'll do the right thing and wait until the 3 year warranty expires. The car's too big an investment to risk teh dealer refusing to fix her should a fault occur.

    What tickles me most is here we are, in a VW diesel part of the forum, talking about performance! And with 0-100kph times of 7.2sec from a diesel hatch! In the early days of this forum all of the diesel posts are about how slow the Mk1 diesel is and how to keep it from running away from you! My Mk1 diesel has a 0-100kph time of about 1 year (but I still love her ).

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