hey logzy got any torque/ power figures for the polo 1.9 tdi?
Any updates on the promised update ?
2015 Polo Comfortline 6M + Driving Comfort Package
2011/11 Yeti 103 TDI 6M + Columbus media centre/satnav
(2008 MY09 Polo 9N3 TDI retired hurt hail damage)
There's a discussion about the Flash Counter being FIXED for some of us.
This discussion is on the UK-MKIVS forum under the following title:
Flash Counter FIXED!!!!
Last edited by Roobuls; 11-11-2008 at 05:14 PM.
Anyone dynoed yet? I agree with Logz, not really about outright power because we all know how accurate dyno's are, but would be good to see the shape of the power/torque curve for comparisons sake.
I've updated the firmware on my ST3 and supposedly the "Programming Attempts" will no longer increment when I re-flash my car.
I've already re-flashed once since updating without it going up.
Now I can re-flash to my hearts content.
Please note that so far, this update is only for diesels that use the Bosch edc16 chip.
The problem is not really fixed however seeing as it only applies to one small portion of their customer base and it doesn't reset the counter back to "what it was before the ST3 was used" as they said it would.
You still have the same problem that you have a flash counter that shows your ECU has been tampered with if your dealer decides to go looking which they will if they see the errors that are generated when you flash the ECU.
Yes, I am well aware of that. But this does show that they are trying to resolve the issue for all of us.
So far they've stopped flash counter incrementing for diesels with the Bosch ECU. I think they are now working on re-setting it back to zero for those who have already used it.
So anyone with Bosch diesels who hasn't got an ST3 yet, can get it and the flash counter will stay at zero (therefore it will be un-detectable).
The rest of us have to wait.
Last edited by Roobuls; 14-11-2008 at 01:27 PM.