Yes indeed.
Progress on previous post - I've since wound in the actuator arm 2 full turns (1.6mm) and its made a huge difference. Its now a lot more like I thought it should be - much more responsive and quieter too. Boost comes on much much faster than stock.
Basically I have just wound it in 1 turn each day before I leave work, then drive home and keep an eye on the boost. I'm still in the realm of actuator function where the boost isn't running away at high rpm - i.e. the ecu is capable of keeping boost in check under high load - so there might even be another turn in it yet. We'll see.
I'm just chuffed that its working so well. I've got more power, better response, and all with a hardware only change
The best description I could probably give is that the car has gone from feeling pretty "old school" diesel, with noise and whine and lag, to rather new school, with quick response and less noise.
I can definitely see why this size turbo is the daddy for the 4 cylinder diesels.
Also considering doing the boostvalve type mod, so that it wont be possible to have boost spikes or overboost. I'm thinking that will let me tune it right to the limit so I get maximum spool without the obvious dangers.