hey guys.
i've had this under my hat for around a fortnight. after having confirmed my feelings, i started thinking...
specifically, my thoughts were "ooh, could i reference a thread that dates back to 2005+ on tdiclub.com, without divulging my source, and pass it off as 'well, folks, i was sitting at home scratching my balls, and i came up with a pretty good idea' " lol. (just playing haha).
but of course one must pay where credit is due, so it is after a few ~~~~ (whatever, i forget) hours of reading that i share this information with you - after all, where would i be in my diesel knowledge if it werent for watercooled, and i really sincerely mean that (it'd be a bunch of cold-start-hard-engine-wear-inducing braps, no cooldown of the turbo after a run, no idea of the proper grades of oil, no idea of EGR / blowby issues etc etc).
my hat's off to you guys, first and foremost. i truly mean that.
now, i can be a bit w4nky and articulate, so bare with me. those that dont - well, it's their loss (or lack of gain, rather).
anyone know / practice the cage mod from tdiclub?
now, i'm sure that im not alone when i say that perhaps 30% of the mods that i've done on the wee polo have been pure placebo:
- aftermarket muffler - "yes, it's straight through, so it must be more powerful" hahahahahahaha
- BMC air filter - "well, i thought things felt a little revvier" hahahahahahaha
my car = polo tdi 2007 1.9 pd100
usage = it gets thrashed, ONCE WARM
fuel economy = i dont really care, it's so good i dont need to check
play time = anyone with a polo tdi 1.9pd100 9n3 will know that even WITH a tune, these things are DONE by around 4,200-4,300RPM.
that is the baseline upon which i post.
- open bonnet
- locate mass air flow sensor
- it's pretty. dont dismantle it. simply locate where one cord clips into the big sockety-thingy. (really. sounds spastic. it's actually that simple).
- unplug, and you'll see a bunch of stuff, surrounded by plastic.
- blast that sh8t with MAF cleaner. you might have to pour some excess out. if you're like me, and have to do everything at the all night car wash, have a smoke or something - it'll take a few mins to dry.
- once the MAF CONNECTOR + HOUSING is dry, smile - the work's half done.
- once it's dry, get yo' silicone dielectric grease / compound - here is a sample of what is available, and i used this
- pack that isht into yo' MAF connector. seriously. dont be shy - it's only $5 for 3grams, and you'll (at most) need three of the fckers.
- uhm, as per above, literally pack your MAF connector full of this stuff (after you have cleaned it with MAF cleaner of course).
- keep packing it in!
- also bare in mind that you want to connect the (male?) side of the connection, too - dont be shy, now
- once you've got two sides of a MAF equation that are so clogged with goo that you dont know what to do, plug that isht back together. it will struggle. move it back and forth, in and out, do what you need to to get it SEATED.
my reasoning:
- i work on my car on-street. i battle the elements, time of day, and weather patterns. as well as nagging fe-males. this was quick.
- too easy. i had SOME to gain, but much to lose: "what if it throws a CEL and fcks the whole car up?????"
- took me literally half an hour. that's because i went to the closest spot out of the wind / elements, disconnected the maf, and proceeded. with huge caution. and skepticism. this would fail.
my experience:
- did it
- CEL for the first day.... but things felt a wee bit... what? smoooooother. okay.
- CEL went out second day. uh-oh. 4300rpm cutout = gone? WTF>!>!>!
- i was SO skeptical as i am with these things. i have just this to say: RIP ON ME. SLANDER ME. I DONT CARE. WHY?
- prior to the cage mod, my car = perfect. flawless. refs hard to 4250 AFTER my tune.
- AFTER = yeah....... isht tops out at around 4850rpm, and i can FEEL the turbo pulling until it cuts out.
cage's reasoning: what's the point of having a clean MAF if the connection between the male / female seats is prone to contamination over time?
- good point
- i agreed
- i did it
- i SMILE!!!!!
now, i respect the work of those (like you) before me.
this isht is REAL, people!!!!