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Thread: 2.0L 103 TDI making odd whine while boosting

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Gold Coast
    Thread Starter

    You guys are the 4th and 5th people to mention Renaults bad reliability this week.

    Now starting to think I shouldn't touch them. A Polo GTI sounds quite nice, but it would need to be chipped before I'd even touch it. I'm also looking at a XR5. It's such a shame, because the 182's are lovely cars, and if they were reliable they'd be so much more popular.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Adelaide hills, SA
    Users Country Flag
    Yep, all bad cars start with letter "F"; Fiat, Ford and French!

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Get the turbo noise sorted/looked at!

    Mines in the shop now (has 10 days of warranty left!) and it was making a 'dentist drill' type noise (most noticeable around the 1700rpm mark in 4th and accelerating a little, also when revving at idle you could hear the turbo going 'whhhiirrrrrrrrrr' after the idle had returned - It shouldn't make that noise loudly). With the bonnet up and in neutral revving it to about 3k and backing off it sounded like a big boost leak (that can also produce a dentist drill sound)- It is turbo flutter, or whatever you call it, but it started making a lot more noise after a long drive! VW eventually diagnosed it as needing a new turbo! Glad i'm not paying for it because it's a very hefty bill.

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