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Thread: is it worth extending factory warranty on passat?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Sandy Bay, tasmania
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    is it worth extending factory warranty on passat?

    My passat 118 tsi is 3 years old and I have until the end of this week to extend the factory warranty.
    I have had the usual DSG issues and had the clutch changed twice, and also had the mechatronic recall done.

    The car has been otherwise fine.
    Is it recommended to take the extended warranty? The salesman told me that the clutch issues may not be covered outside of warranty if they recur, but I find this strange considering that it's a known fault. FWIW, my old golf 118tsi developed the fuel injector related piston crack and was fixed free of charge outside the warranty period because it was a known issue.

    Are there other issues that passats are prone to that could surface in the future?
    Do extended warranties enhance resale value of the car, or make it easier to sell?

  2. #2
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    The Alianz 'factory' warranty is a pretty good thing. Its a pain for dealers to make claims but as far as the customer is concerned they work great! As for the passat, the main issues with the 118 tsi are the DSG and engine oil consumption. Yes, if you have a major drama and the car is out of warranty, with a good service history you can get things covered under good will warranty, but it's not guaranteed. The extended warranty will cover things like wheel bearings, electrics etc which is always a good thing. And I think would help resale value.

  3. #3
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    In my experience, you would be mad to own a VW without factory warranty!

    All well and good when you buy second hand - it's part of why the car costs half when it's 3yrs old.

    The cost of the extended warranty at new (I paid $2k) is either going to save you (or at very least give comfort) during yrs 4&5 or will net you close to that extra when selling at 3yrs.

    Another concept is to think of it this way

    Scenario one
    $60k car. Bought new. After exactly 3yrs, it is worth $27-33k or so. Higher end is one with 2-3yrs extended warranty.

    Out of warranty from today and "something" goes wrong. Cost is $5k (and that's not hard)

    That's a fair chunk you *could* have put towards a new car if you got rid of the old one a month earlier.

    Scenario two
    You buy the above car with 1month warranty left - you get it for $27k. You get a bill for $5k to fix something 2 months later.

    Oh well, you've just paid $32k for a 3yr old $60k car.

  4. #4
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    ivanhoe vic
    Glad i got it on mine paid for injectors / new wiring harness before the recall, new rear led taillight, and body control module plus one weeks worth of labour whilst they tried to fix it now one year out if warranty and nothing else has gone wrong apart from normal wear and tear so was money well spent

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    B6 Passat Wagon No KESSY

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by JB's Dub View Post
    As for the passat, the main issues with the 118 tsi are the DSG and engine oil consumption. .
    118tsi in Passat is the 1.8L turbo. They are pretty good on oil & reasonably reliable except for the water pump which will cost around $1100 if the repairer insists on doing the housing as well as the pump itself.

    As you correctly state, it also has the DSG7 which is a bit of a timebomb.

    If your car is stock & you don't intend doing any mods then I'd say yes to the warranty if it's <$700pa
    carandimage The place where Off-Topic is On-Topic
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  6. #6
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    The DSG box warranty was extended out to 10 years wasn't it?
    Also as brad pointed out the 118TSI in the passat is the 1.8T so it isn't going to have the issues of the 1.4 twincharger.

    Given as much and if you haven't had any othe issues, i would say there is no reason to purchase the extneded warranty.
    If you have taken it back for warranty issues other than the dsg box then i would say probably a good investment.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by team_v View Post
    The DSG box warranty was extended out to 10 years wasn't it?
    I think only for vehicles made during a very narrow window when VWs were under the microscope early in 2013. There's certainly nothing to suggest it on VWs website - not even a reference to the vehicles from early 2013.

    VW AU seem very secretive compared to other VW "distributors" in other parts of the world.
    carandimage The place where Off-Topic is On-Topic
    I used to think I was anal-retentive until I started getting involved in car forums

  8. #8
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    I think it's worthwhile if you can purchase at a reasonable price. A few small electrical issues with mine (tailgate/horn/convenience module ) would pretty much have covered it I'd expect.
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  9. #9
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    ivanhoe vic
    Also don't forget know issue with steering column lock as well

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    B6 Passat Wagon No KESSY

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Thanks for responses. I'm looking at about $2300 for 4 years and $1700 for 2 years.
    Agree with piece of mind factor, but have to accept that it could be money wasted. If it improves chances of resale then that would be worth it as I'm unlikely to keep the car for more than another 2 to 3 years.

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