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Thread: is it worth extending factory warranty on passat?

  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by dood View Post
    Thanks for responses. I'm looking at about $2300 for 4 years and $1700 for 2 years.
    Agree with piece of mind factor, but have to accept that it could be money wasted. If it improves chances of resale then that would be worth it as I'm unlikely to keep the car for more than another 2 to 3 years.
    Hi dood,

    The VW extended warranty is an insurance policy underwritten by Allianz Insurance and that is what you are doing. You are hedging against the cost of expensive breakdowns.

    Like my house, car and life insurance I buy the best insurance I need and 1 am relieved that I haven't claimed (esp life ) at renewal.

    As others have said, the extended warranty will either make your car easier to sell or increase its value when it comes to a private sale.

    just my $0.02 worth.

    Also shop around, including interstate as some dealers are cheaper than others.
    Last edited by Amalgam; 29-08-2014 at 06:58 PM.

  2. #12
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    Greenslopes, QLD
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    I'm in the process of privately buying a MY10.5 R36 used. I am going to get a RACV comprehensive check done, which gives me 1 month warranty - of course, the question is whether the vehicle inspection centre that does the inspection knows enough about or has equipment to properly check an R36... (suggestions welcome on which RACV accredited vehicle inspection center is best)...

    Is it worth getting used car warranty? The only one I found that I recognise is the RACV one, but that only comes when you have a car loan with them... derp - no thanks!. Any suggestions on this too???


  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Felixrising View Post
    I am going to get a RACV comprehensive check done, which gives me 1 month warranty
    Be aware that the warranty has limitations on coverage. The maximum RACV will contribute to your repair costs is $1000 for pre-purchase inspections and $2000 for comprehensive inspections, and only applies to certain faults not identified by the inspection.

    Is it worth getting used car warranty?
    Possibly. Be aware that the only Allianz option available to you is the used car extended warranty policy, which has some pretty significant exclusions and limitations on coverage - for example, (from memory) the Allianz used car warranty insurance policy only covers up to $2000 per claim, so if you had a major failure, you may still end up being significantly out of pocket.

  4. #14
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    Just remember it is an insurance policy you are buying, and make sure you read and understand the exclusions. If the vehicle is known to have major expensive problems, then the insurer is not going to make the policy cheap. They would go out of business.

  5. #15
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    Thanks. Good points. I guess I should be aware of excusions and checking the fine print - I work for an insurance company ..

    I wasn't aware that the RACV check only covered up to $2k with exclusions... I will still go ahead with this as I'd like to get a full check inside and out that everything is working as expected...

    The stuff I am worried about would likely cost in excess of the $2k... so sounds like used car warranty is not worth it... better to keep that money in the bank and hope nothing major breaks... don't really want the DSG packing it in anytime soon. The previous owner was fairly fastidious about his cars and didn't scrimp on maintenance.

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