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Thread: Will Nokia Lumia 920 synch with Latest VW's?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Users Country Flag

    My 920 works perfectly via bluetooth.

    However I cannot get it to charge from the MDI MEDIA-IN, either by connecting a micro usb cable to the usb cable, or a direct MDI cable
    to micro usb cable. Phone doesn't beep or shudder, does not recognize the power source at all....


  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Perth WA
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    Quote Originally Posted by zoomda View Post
    I have a Lumia 620 and it has worked the same way as other Windows Phones (7, 7.5 and 8 ) with the Bluetooth in my Golf VI.

    Voice works correctly. I don't think music does though. Contacts will sync correctly. What doesn't work is text to voice. Basically when you receive a text it doesn't read it out to you (regardless of the settings on the phone). It is annoying as you don't hear a txt message received sound either.

    In the Polo that has the ugly Bluetooth adaptor thingy txt to voice does work and so does voice to txt. That adaptor is crap though (contacts didn't work properly with it, among other issues). If you sync the phone with the Bluetooth via the display (and not the adaptor) you end up with the same scenario as in the Golf.
    We have just received our new Passat and we have two Nokia windows phones. A 620 and a 920. Both allow music streaming and phone calls no issues. The text to voice does work but it is a bit odd. You hear your phone make the new text message sound and a second or so later the music is cut, but then nothing seems to happen. However if you press the volume up or down the text to voice starts coming through normally. You can then respond via voice commands etc.

    Anyone else experienced this?

  3. #13
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Sydney, NSW
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    I have a Nokia Lumia 820 and I have the same problem with the system reading text messages, the audio stops, the system announces that I have received a message from X, nothing else is heard then the music starts again. This problem got worse after my latest service and now music streamed via Bluetooth stops during playback and can only be re-started by adjusting the volume up/down. I'm also finding that Bluetooth streaming keeps being interrupted whilst driving as I use indicators, apply the brakes, use the windscreen wipers etc. About to take it back again.

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