View Poll Results: Who's Got What?

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  • 103TDI Sedan

    2 3.57%
  • 103TDI Wagon

    1 1.79%
  • 125TDI Sedan

    5 8.93%
  • 125TDI Wagon

    8 14.29%
  • 147TSI Sedan

    1 1.79%
  • 147TSI Wagon

    2 3.57%
  • V6FSI Highline Sedan

    3 5.36%
  • V6FSI Highline Wagon

    3 5.36%
  • R36 Sedan

    13 23.21%
  • R36 Wagon

    18 32.14%
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Thread: What Model Passat Do You Have?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    What Model Passat Do You Have?

    I thought it might be interesting to see who's got what.

    As you can only offer 10 options in a poll I apologise to those with older models.
    Last edited by Autopia; 13-05-2009 at 11:25 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Melbourne, VIC
    Users Country Flag
    Great thread! Thought I'd add to it a bit with some details and background...

    MY09 Volkswagen Passat R36 Sedan
    Biscay Blue
    Factory Sunroof
    Factory SatNav

    Background: In May last year my sister decided she wanted to trade in her Nissan X-Traill on a new car. We test drove EVERYTHING and really went into the details on each car all in the Golf size range. Other Euros, Japanese, Korean etc etc... The Honda Civic rated well but we drove the Golf Mk5 last. It was a 4000km dealer principle's wife's car - a White GT Sport. It literally blew EVERYTHING we'd seen before it out of the water even if it was priced slightly higher. I was driving a VE Clubsport R8 at the time and even I was in love with the Golf my sister was getting.

    Ever since then I've had this thought wearing down at me that I really should be driving a Euro car. So last month, after having Holdens for as long as I can remember, I went into my dealer and traded in on a brand new R36. Everything about the car is brilliant! I still can't fault it. Quality, engineering, safety, comfort, features... It's got everything (except standard factory bluetooth). It's my first Volkswagen and I can see myelf driving it for at least the next 5 years! Short of winning the lottery, it's easily going to be the car I own for the longest period to date.

    The thing I don't understand though (and I'm not complaining here) is that it's got everything, no, MORE than the BMWs, Audis and Mercedes in the same price range have and it's not gutless! You have to crack well into the 6 figure price range for any performance comparison with other Euro models similar in size and spec to the R36. I drove the Audi RS4, BMW M3 and my Uncle's AMG C63. Yup. They all outperform the R36 but not by an extra $80,000+. Other than performance figures, with every comparison I did the R36 was on par or better (seats in the R36 are by far the best out of all of them) and let's not forget that sweet engineering marvel - the DSG gearbox! I keep having to ask myself, "why did this car only cost me $70,000?" Yeah, the C63 would be my first choice if money was no object. But let's be practicle here... How much of the extra performace are you going to be able to use most of the time you drive? And besides, if I want performance that's hard to match from even Ferraris and Lamborginis, I'll take my B-King for a ride!

    Nope - Volkswagen sold me with the R36! I'm certainly not looking back!

    Great idea for a thread too...

    Last edited by Rocket36; 14-05-2009 at 08:28 AM. Reason: fixed a typo

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Thread Starter
    Nice little write up Rocket.

    I know where you're coming from with your comments on the Audi's, BMW's and Merc's. The price premium they ask is just plain ridiculous. I'm a big Merc fan myself but no matter how I ran the figures I just couldn't justify the price they were asking.
    The R36 (in fact VW's in general) represents outstanding value for money. Sure the DSG box is not without it's niggles but no car is perfect (except maybe the E63 ).

    I searched long and hard for a comparable "plan B" car but found nothing.

    Well done Volkswagen.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Forgiven, I suppose
    Old Skool Passat Power Rules!!!
    1974 Passat LS with a SEAT 1.8, 32/36 Weber, full performance exhaust and a K&N filter. 80kw at the wheels??

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    no one has a CC yet?!? maybe a little too old for the forums! my old man is waiting on delivery...est Sept. another one converted!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Melbourne, VIC
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    Quote Originally Posted by limmy View Post
    no one has a CC yet?!? maybe a little too old for the forums!
    I'm 29 and it was the CC that prompted me to go in and check out the Volkswagens 3 weeks ago when I bought mine. They're a very classy looking car but what turned me off was the seriously lacking rear head room. Granted I'm 6'1" but if ever I had anyone in the back as tall as me it would be a safety concern for me. Worst case - in a roll over they could suffer serious head injuries. The max. 4 occupants didn't bother me and I love the rest of the car but you should be able to option lower, sportier suspension like the USA model. Ultimately, it's the same engine, gearbox and drive train as the R36. But thanks to the handling and slightly better practicality of the R36 (as well as it's sportier appearence) it won my decision.

    I just wish I could put the Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) in the R36 but it's an option that's not available unforunately.

    Oh and I'm not sure I fully like the design of the bonnet on the CC. The middle "hump" looks out of place, it doesn't fit in with the curvy lines of the car.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by limmy View Post
    no one has a CC yet?!? maybe a little too old for the forums! my old man is waiting on delivery...est Sept. another one converted!
    I'm 24 and would have seriously considered the CC if I didn't want a wagon for ease of golf club access and maximum capacity for storage of gear for camping adventures... so the R36 got the nod

    I do wish the R36 had some of the cooler CC options, like adaptive cruise, the steering wheel controls (but not shape), and KESSY or whatever it is.
    R36 =

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Knew we had a fair bias towards the R36 in the forums and fair enough, it's the best one. But it's also nice to see a few fellow 125TDI Wagonists around. Though it's still a bit early for me, mine doesn't arrive till June.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by limmy View Post
    no one has a CC yet?!? maybe a little too old for the forums! my old man is waiting on delivery...est Sept. another one converted!
    I got my CC 3.6L in late Feb - just saw this Poll but no option for CC. There should be quite a few others out there but I haven't seen any on the roads yet. Your old man (and maybe you) will be happy with his purchase

  10. #10

    It's all about value for money


    The R36 was no easy choice.. Originally looking at the Audi Q7, X5 and Range Rover Sport it was only by chance that someone told me to go and check out a toureg.. All this room was needed for my bulldog (not kids).. and my wifes IS250 is no place for a bulldog..

    So I walked into VW and there it was a Bisacy Blue R36 wagon and then I looked at the performance figures and then the price and then it struck me like a stripper looking for dollars...

    Took it for a test drive and the rest is history....

    Though a general warning if you put your pet in the back of the wagon... Remember it is in the back of the wagon... Let's just say the dog has had some experience with tumbling (a bit like the olympic floor routines)!!
    MY09 White R36 Wagon with all the trimmings

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