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Thread: Waking up the R36

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Kaleen, Canberra

    Waking up the R36

    Hi all,
    Will be returning back to Oz after 3.5 months abroad. I asked a housesitter friend to turn the R36 over while I was away but he left it until after 2 months upon which time the battery was dead-flat. Any advice on starting the R36 up after such a long sleep? My previous car (manual) warned about the potential danger to a vehicles electronics when using jumper leads from another vehicle (in this case a Landcruiser). Am I being overly cautious?

    MY10 R36 Sedan - The ultimate sleeper!!
    2005 Landcruiser Prado

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    I can't give any useful advice here - sorry.

    I just returned home from two months overseas, and my mother drove it occasionally. It started first time. Pity about the spider webs and dust...

    ... but wow! It's like driving it for the first time - the noise, the acceleration, the grip. Makes me grin all over again
    R36 =

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Melbourne, Mexico
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    Personally, I'd pull the battery out and charge it.

    Unless you have no option but to jump it. If jumping is the only option, connect the cables and leave the Cruiser ticking over over while connected, for 15 minutes.

    That will put some life into the R36 and be less of an impact on the jump leads.


  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Adelaide hills, SA
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    How old is the battery? If it is +3 years, get the new one, the old one would be unreliable and you get stranded.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Melbourne, Victoria
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    I'd double check that the landcruiser runs a 12V battery; some 4WD's run 24V ones iirc.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Greggles View Post
    the battery was dead-flat
    How 'dead flat'?

    'tries to crank but won't turn over', or
    'as a dodo'?

    If it's 'as a dodo', just get a new battery. The old one will never be as good again - lead acid batteries do not like being deep discharged.

    If it's the former, I'd pull it out and charge it. With the number of electronic systems in the Passat, all you need is for one little component to get upset, and you're in for a world of pain.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Kaleen, Canberra
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    Thanks guys - battery is 13mo. I might play it safe and charge the battery out of the car. The electronics and any potential damage do worry me!

    Thanks again

    MY10 R36 Sedan - The ultimate sleeper!!
    2005 Landcruiser Prado

  8. #8
    Hi Greg
    I have had my R36 jump started twice when the battery ran flat due to a wiring issue from fitting a towbar. Once by the local RACT, the other by the VW assist towtruck driver. They used a separate battery to do the jump starting. They just used the jump start point in the engine bay to do it. No issues with electronics.
    2008 Candy White Passat R36 wagon, Satnav/auto tailgate/towbar/sunroof. And now tinted!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Quote Originally Posted by Greggles View Post
    Thanks guys - battery is 13mo. I might play it safe and charge the battery out of the car. The electronics and any potential damage do worry me!

    Thanks again
    Hook up the jumper leads correctly, earth it to the engine block or somewhere other than the battery negative terminal, and follow the instructions, you won't have any problems. I had to do that with my Dad's VE Calais a few days ago, using a ride-on mower to jump from. All worked fine, once there was enough charge in the battery.
    MY08 Passat 2.0 TDI Wagon
    Trialling golf ball aerodynamics theory - random pattern, administered about 1550 on Christmas Day, 2011.


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