Well this is one shot of the car from the rear with no tow bar attached...
Attachment 16549
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Well this is one shot of the car from the rear with no tow bar attached...
Attachment 16549
Looking forward to seeing a shot up close and underneath too if possible please mate. You're a great help for posting as people with R36's generally don't have tow balls on them. Appreciate your post.
Ok gents, as requested, here's some pics taken this morning with me angling the phone as best I can. Very sorry for the quality. People walking past looking at the mentalist trying to angle his phone up under his car no doubt had a chortle!
Attachment 16554
Attachment 16555
Attachment 16556
Attachment 16557
Attachment 16558
Attachment 16559
Let me know if anything is not clear or you want alternative images... and I'll get some with the tow ball in place when i can.
Thanks for the photos mate. I think we get the idea as to what is going on under there. A photo or two with the tow ball on would be great too. Thanks heaps.
I have had a 1500kg Hayman Reese bar fitted to my R36 wagon by Arrow towbars in Brisbane for $1000. Brilliant job done at my house. Some head scratching at integrating the electronics module, but it all worked out well. If I knew how to post photos I would do so - it looks very neat...
Do you have photobucket or dropbox or any of those. You can provide links to photos using those if you have them. If not, let me know and I'll pm you my email address. Very interested in checking it out mate if you don't mind.
Thought you might like to see myhttp://www.vwwatercooled.com.au/foru...id=16683&stc=1 (Hayman Reece 02965RW) R36 towbar.. installed by Arrow Towbars in Brisbane last year for $1000 at my house. 1800kg / 90kg and very very neatly done. Tows a boat on a trailer real well, and (now that I've had the Haldex repaired by P&P in Brisbane!) drags it up the ramp without missing a beat. I'm really happy with this setup although of course ground clearance is always a problem... Photos below show work in progress as well as the finished item, and a (not very good) shot of the R36 with 6m RIB behind.
Thanks for the photos mate. Looks good. Will have to get you out for a meet one of these days. Trying to get as many R36's together as we can sometime.
OK, sorry for the delay - images with the tow bar attached and the actual bar itself which comes in a rather nice VW branded leather pouch (or it did when it was installed) which I think would have been at purchase or shortly after.
Attachment 16763
Attachment 16764
Attachment 16765
Attachment 16766