ouch that looks painful!
Everyone ok I hope
ouch that looks painful!
Everyone ok I hope
Yeah everyone is OK. Someone ran a red light... Losing such a nice car (not mine) to someone else's stupidity is sad.
Man that is a shame.
Glad it's not yours though.
And at least the airbags went off, looks like it faired well for the passengers.
might have been an interesting ride if the barrier hadnt have stopped the car
Glad to hear everyone was ok.
Whose car was it?
OT: Whats with the office chairs set up next to the R36? Are they for the cops to conduct eyewitness interviews??
I'm sure the numbnut who ran the redlight will get what they deserve.
Last edited by Jayse; 26-07-2010 at 10:34 AM.
The Fräulein: Black .:R36 Wagon...all boxes ticked!!
The German Mistress: 2001 Black B5 A4 1.8T
Must be going around, I just had $7,000 of damage to my 2.0T Wagon last week. I was hit while I was parked on the side of the road. Doors can't be reskinned, need two complete doors and a wing mirror.
Sorry to read. Whose car?
MY10 Passat CC V6 - RNS510, GPS, RVC, self park, dynaudio, cooling seats!