Hi All,
I know the sunroof on the R36's already has a factory tint but I'm keen to get some additional heat refelction with a tint film. I don't really want to block out any additional light so I was looking at one of those new ceramic films that are quite clear (70% transmission) with still quite good heat absorbtion & reflection (of course no where near as good as the 35% metalic films & doesn't do anything for glare).
Anyway, when I called around a few tint shops to get this done, most places said they won't tint the sunroof because it could weeken the glass & it could shatter (even explode). They said that if it's a toughened glass they wouldn't touch it.
My question to the forum is, does anyone have experience with this? Are the sunroofs on the Passats toughened glass? Would tha same issues apply with ceramic films as with metalic?
The comments you were given were what I was told - too risky to tint it.