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Thread: SERIOUS TIME --- who needs VAGCOM tweaks done in Melb ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    SERIOUS TIME --- who needs VAGCOM tweaks done in Melb ?

    I raised this before Xmas but need to see if there is some SERIOUS interest. The idea is that we get someone in particular from this forum to come to Melbourne for a Sat/Sun to tweak all our cars. It will involve sharing the costs for return airfares & a night in a motel for them shared with $10 hour hookers. We can also meet other forum members and have a nice meal somewhere on Sat night.

    Since I ordered the R36 in July I have seen all sorts of 'good' mods that can be done to our cars when someone knows how to code it properly & I would like these extras. I haven't found an alternative here in Melb and I reckon that if a few of us share this guys costs we will all win as well as put names to faces.

    Can I see some expressions of interest ?


    She's Mine at last MY10 R36 Icelandic Grey Wagon Sat-Nav |Reverse Cam |Sunroof |MDI |Slimline Weather Shields |SUPERCHARGER (standard ;-P)

  2. #2
    What sort of 'good' mods are you looking at doing?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Thread Starter

    She's Mine at last MY10 R36 Icelandic Grey Wagon Sat-Nav |Reverse Cam |Sunroof |MDI |Slimline Weather Shields |SUPERCHARGER (standard ;-P)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Melbourne, Mexico
    Users Country Flag

    I am coming over to Melbourne this weekend for the SEDF. Cable and laptop will be there with me. Will be in town sometime Saturday and leaving late Sunday/Monday morning.

    If you get the instructions together, I am happy to help folk out and do what you guys want. A contribution to my travelling costs would go down well.

    Emil me rather than PM please optimumcode at




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