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Thread: Reliability thread in USA- VW 2nd from the bottom!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Reliability thread in USA- VW 2nd from the bottom!

    just saw this age article re reliability in the good old us of A for 2008 /2009.

    vw came 2nd last , from about 55 car makers with 260 issues per 100 cars ( ie 2.6 for each car).

    Jaguar was best at 122 and industry average was 170.

    i guess we've been lucky with (almost) none. well, i am planning to see if anyone has issues with their windscreen wipers ( being pretty crappy)
    had a passat tdi. now mb c class.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Users Country Flag
    I don't understand these surveys. I've seen Mazda at the top of numerous lists, yet it ranked 5th last in this one.

    Another puzzle is the number of issues per 100 vehicles. The average is 170!! Using my geenas math skillz, that's 1.7 per vehicle. I've had my car for over 2 years without a single issue. Are they just a bunch of whingers?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Thread Starter
    Quote Originally Posted by Coaster View Post
    Another puzzle is the number of issues per 100 vehicles. The average is 170!! Using my geenas math skillz, that's 1.7 per vehicle. I've had my car for over 2 years without a single issue. Are they just a bunch of whingers?
    yes but if someone sent you a questionaire you might have "issues" with something which is relatively minor. also as said by others crap say poor panel fit on a holden might not raise an issue whereas a bmw or merc the owner would see that as a major issue. so expectations will vary across brands.

    having said that, vw has been beaten by every other brand except suzuki!
    had a passat tdi. now mb c class.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by tryingavw View Post
    i guess we've been lucky with (almost) none. well, i am planning to see if anyone has issues with their windscreen wipers ( being pretty crappy)
    I must be helping out with the average there - so far I've had issues with:

    Rear seat cupholders.
    Corrosion in the engine bay.
    Driver's window controller meaning the remote boot release didn't work.
    Trailer light control module replaced.

    And that's not touching the dealer delivery issues such as the lack of detailing and wheel alignment out on delivery.
    MY08 Passat 2.0 TDI Wagon
    Trialling golf ball aerodynamics theory - random pattern, administered about 1550 on Christmas Day, 2011.

  5. #5

    I have had my R36 for about 6 weeks and have been back to the dealer 4times...

    The IPOD connector originally was not installed correctly and when it was it did not perform as the sales person instructed... Plus during delivery they had no idea how it worked...

    When back and updated the IPOD connector to the MDI cable, which was again not installed propperly.. Now it works and all is well for now.... All trivial stuff but enough to get annoying..

    Agree the wipers are rubbish... Driver side wiper already leaves a water streak and during my IPOD visits back to the dealer they told me they would look at it during my 7000km pit stop...

    End Quote: Who gives a flying #### what the USA thinks.... Look at the crap they produce... It's an artcile which is intended to brown nose a particular audience...
    Last edited by R36Driver888; 26-03-2009 at 04:50 PM.
    MY09 White R36 Wagon with all the trimmings


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