Hi, I am newbie here.
I decide buying R36 finally. I am happy to find this forum.
I need help to assist about options and need to find good dealer around NSW.
Talk to a member here who's in Canberra and does great deals View Profile: PhillipVWDealer - VWWatercooled Australia
1) I am looking Silver or Blue R36 MY10 Upgrade Sedan / not really need Sunroof / SatNav / MDI / DynaAudio.
Can someone who already bought, assist new MY10 price for above option?
What is reasonable and good price?
2) Do I need Lane Assis? Is it good for safe driving?
Not Really
3) Can I put Adoptive Chassis Control in R36? I went dealer and he said this option is not available for R36. If this is available for R36, is this really good?
It's great and yes is available on the R36
4) What is "MY10 upgrade"? Some website shows "MY10 Upgrade". Is this upgrade version from MY10?
5) towbar. can someone suggest for third party (good one) ? Is there any good third party? I need towbar but I don't wannt waste money for this. my budget is very limited. Please give me good advise.
Please understand my english.....Thanks...