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Thread: The .:R36 has arrived!!!

  1. #31
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  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gipper View Post
    Looks Awesome... what Window tint did you get?
    Thanks guys!


    I went to Tint-A-Car in North Melbourne(highly recommend Peter)

    I wanted 35% front two windows and 20% for the rear passenger and cargo area windows with Midnight Express.

    Peter said because of the 2 side rear cargo area windows having the aerials in them he could'nt use their 20% tint due to it being a metalised film so he used 18% (carbon based)instead. I'm very happy with the work he did plus there is a lifetime guarantee on the job.
    Last edited by Jayse; 12-12-2008 at 09:25 AM.

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Macka View Post
    Thanks Jayse looks great. I am biased though because it is the same as mine. Pick it up this Friday 12th Dec.
    Macka, you're gonna love it..and perfect timing for the weekend!!
    Last edited by Jayse; 10-12-2008 at 11:29 AM.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jayse View Post
    Macka, you're gonna love it..and perfect timing for the weekend!!

    Jayse got it yesterday. Absolutley loving this thing. I took it and had windows tinted. Put 35% (darkest legal) on front and then 15% on back as that was all he had in the stuff that doesn't upset the radio receiver. Was worries that it was going to be to dark on the back but it came out brilliant. Then took it and put the RS4 19" rims on and the Michelin PS2's and personally l think it just set the whole thing off brilliantly.

    Absolutely pissing down rain here so will have to wait to get some good photo's and post them. Anyway am still going to back it out of the shed and head to the Great Ocean Road as l just can't wait!!

  5. #35
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    Hey Guys,

    So we made the trip up to Sydney yest and the car was awesome!!

    Cruising along @ 115-120 on the Hume and approaching a car to overtake was a cinch! The .:R36(overloaded with excess crap) had plenty more go in it to overtake quickly and safely. I clocked over the 2000k mark and the car feels better and smoother when i drive it.

    Having 4+GB(so far) of music stored on the RNS510's HDD made the trip fly-by..especially since i uploaded both Eddie Murphy's "Delirious" & "Raw"(MP3's) onto it. That stuff is still GOLD! Goonigoogoo....

    I have decided i don't like locusts/grasshoppers. I especially don't like their suicide missions on my car..the windscreen/headlights/grills took heavy hits. I say we declare a war on locusts/grasshoppers!!! I'm going to have to find a car wash in the Westleigh/Beecroft area.

    Hmmm...i wonder if i can find one in the SATNAV catergory seach for POI. I found out that Hornsby Westfield is the closest shopping centre to the in-laws which will help as i have to buy something for my wife for Christmas. I am such a lazy bum/bloke...Having the navigation directions come up on the MFD is a really good/safe thing instead of checking out the RNS510 display every now and again.

    One thing i did not like in the car and i'm sure i didnt option up for it was the speed limiter @ 120km/h. I know the car is speed limited to @ 155mph but whenever i approached @120km/h i would hear an audible screeching from the front passenger seat saying "Jayson, stopping speeding!!" I must get that checked out! Good thing about the .:R36 dash layout is that the wife cannot see what speed i'm doing below 100km/ unfortunately she was eyeing it like a hawk for most of this trip.

    She found out (after i mentioned that she would be more comfortable reading with the seat reclined) that the seat reclines pretty low..soon enough she was fast if you ask me! FYI the seats are a great place to be in for such a lengthy journey!!

    Point of interest...went through one of those "Check your speed now" overhead bridge displays and with the cruise control set on 111km/h it showed me travelling at 106km/h. I haven't done a wheel alignment since i got the car and i don't know how acurate the speed display is but is @5km/h out about normal? How can you get it to be spot on?

    Bad points: Bit of sun glare off the silver housing around the gear shifter..nothing that major if you're wearing sunnies though.

    All in all i am SO happy i chose the .:R36 over the Audi/BMW/Merc equivalents.

    Hope you all have a great Christmas.


  6. #36
    Join Date
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    Melbourne, VIC

    Great write up Jayse !

    I'm booked in for a 4pm delivery with the dealer on Monday 29th of Jan to to pick up th e R36 Wagon in Biscay Blue... just can't wait ! The more I hear / read on these things the better. Pity the articles in magazines seem to have dried up now - I'd love to see a few more comparisons.

    I'm driving up to Nowra from Melbourne on the 4th of Jan - with a trailer full of camping gear in tow. It will now have some Maguires cleaning gear in there too by the sound of it. Bugs are easy to get off quickly but you don't want to leave them for too long. It will be interesting to see how the car pulls the trailer compared to the Territory I have now. Can't wait to set camp though and then take the family around country corners as fast as possible !

    Have a great Christmas all !

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