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Thread: R36 Haldex System Question?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Melbourne, Victoria

    R36 Haldex System Question?


    Have a question regarding the Haldex AWD System in the R36 Passat.
    I understand that the Passat is essentially a 2WD until the haldex system detects the front wheels sllipping. It then sends power to the rear wheels via the Haldex clutch.

    What I was wondering though is how long does it remain in AWD mode (without the wheels slipping) until the Haldex clutch disengages and it goes back to 2wd?

    Any ideas?

  2. #2

    Goes back to FWD on a sliding torque scale (see's a drop in transmitted torque) it's all in the program depending on the type you have.


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