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Thread: R36 coolant use

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    R36 coolant use

    Do any R36 owners here have to top their coolant up?

    Since new i've had to top mine up, not huge amounts, just 10-15ml here and there. Its been pressure tested numerous times and all is ok and a new gearbox then fitted under warranty due to that failing-possibly due to the heat exhanger putting coolant into the 'box.

    Done a few thousand since the gearbox was fitted and its dropped again, albeit only slightly. I've been told it shoudn't drop at all....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Canberra, ACT, Australia
    Users Country Flag

    I have not had a problem with my R36 but my previous car (Audi A4 1.8 Turbo) had a slow (but fast enough to be a pain) coolant leak.
    Eventually they put a UV fluorescent dye in the coolant and were able to find the leak. The dye shows up under a UV light - so you run the car for a few weeks and then they have a look using the UV light. With mine the bottom plug was leaking under sustained pressure. It would pass a pressure test, but still leak very slowly when driving. The fix was to replace the plug with another one
    I suggest you ask them to dump some of the dye in the coolant, and book it back in to be checked in a few weeks time.
    MY09 R36 Blue Wagon
    Sunroof | RNS510 Sat Nav | Premium Sound


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