Ok, now for the review of the Swallowtails upgraded audio system.
Firstly, a huge thanks to Swallowtail, it was great to catch up this morning and compare notes. He has certainly done a huge amount of reading and research into add on bits, and using the existing items to their full potentional.
The sound system...
The upgraded sounded system is a significant improvement over the stock system. If you are into audio in any decent form, its money worth spending (something else I need to buy now) The overall image is much much cleaner, their is a very nice clarity right across the range. I was expecting just the top end to be much more detailed however even the bass is very detailed without being too obtrusive. On one track we played there was a bass guitar that came in mid track and it was perfectly placed in the sound stage, easily disguishable but not overpowering. The is more than enough proper bass and there is no need for any subwoofer, not even in the slightest!
He also showed me the MDI interface, works brilliantly with the iphone preserving all the playlists etc and duplicating ipod menu options in the phone. If you need that connectivity, again a worthwhile option, although it wouldnt be the top of my list as the capacility on the HDD would be sufficient for my music selection.
The other part we played with internally was the Fiscon BT upgrade that he had installed himself. Again, this is a worthwhile upgrade, especially if you are on the phone in the car with any regularity. The syncing with the phone allows the system to fully realise its potential by giving you full integration with your contacts etc both on the centre screen and the in the dash. This will be also on my shopping list (It was an expensive visit and I am not finished yet!!)
We also discussed the different features of the sat nav unit and Swallowtail has found a way of importing POI's into the system that works brilliantly
Lastly, I also checked out the towbar install on the car. when standings at the rear of the car (with the tongue remove) you cant even tell the car has the capacity for one. This was sorta on my shopping list at the time but I held off as a) I hadnt seen it in the flesh and b) didnt want to pay the LCT on it with the new purchase. But now definitely will be done at first service. (if not sooner)
So... all in all, a great visit and nice to meet one of our new moderators! thanks again.
<Now.... towbar $1800, fiscon $800, Sound upgrade $3000... looks like i need to start saving!!>