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Thread: psssst .... not got satnav ? want to save 2k ? LOOK HERE

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Perth WA

    Quote Originally Posted by Maverick View Post
    I think you mean CAN bus not Vagcom!
    Oops. Yup CANBUS issues... steering wheel buttons working one day, not the next. Head unit turns off with ignition one day, not the next and so on ...
    Mk 7.5 Golf R

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Thumbs down Opinion

    I bought one on ebay for my mate... to be honest I was thinking to get one when we open the box but afher using first day and afther few days I GIVE UP 100%
    its to to slow it freeze so offen (beter then any old freezer)---its worthed how much you pay for it- not even.
    you say if you want to save 2k...
    its beter to say if you want waste $700-$800 go for it
    My opinion-Dont Buy it

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Oli View Post
    I bought one on ebay for my mate... to be honest I was thinking to get one when we open the box but afher using first day and afther few days I GIVE UP 100%
    its to to slow it freeze so offen (beter then any old freezer)---its worthed how much you pay for it- not even.
    you say if you want to save 2k...
    its beter to say if you want waste $700-$800 go for it
    My opinion-Dont Buy it
    Hey oli was that a while ago? i wonder if theyve got any software updates and bug fixes? theres so much going on there's bound to be bugs. maybe they've fixed some?
    had a passat tdi. now mb c class.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by tryingavw View Post
    Hey oli was that a while ago? i wonder if theyve got any software updates and bug fixes? theres so much going on there's bound to be bugs. maybe they've fixed some?
    And introduced many others, if you take a look at the development of these they introduce more bugs and issues with each new version of hardware or software. They don't do any proper testing which is evident from the ridculous problems they have each time requiring hardware modification or sending the unit back to the supplier in ASIA and they add and remove features on the fly.

    Often prior units don't get any firmware updates or can't be upgraded without sending back to the factory. For example all the original AVC9000 purchasers had to live with the headunit emitting a loud BEEP through the speakers every single time you pressed a button, the manufacturer implemented a fix for the new purchasers and left the old ones to live with a very annoying problem.

    So don't think that by buying a unit with xyz problems that there is any guarantee that they will be fixed but there is every chance you won't be able to get them fixed without buying a new headunit.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by tryingavw View Post
    Hey oli was that a while ago? i wonder if theyve got any software updates and bug fixes? theres so much going on there's bound to be bugs. maybe they've fixed some?
    maybe 1-2 months ago,
    even worst thing happen to him he was just touching and presing all buttons plus screen (he was angry cause its to slow when you turn ignition)) so navigation is not working( something is mixed up) and we cant find where is the problem even with the manual
    few people tryed hrs and hrs to set up ---no luck
    Also 2 weeks ago another bloke that I know him (smart one) afther one week using took it from the car and sent back where it came from now he is waiting for money, they said they will return it...

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Rockhampton, QLD
    Users Country Flag


    Hi all, I don't know how old the original post is on this SatNav & whether anyone is reading this thread anymore but i have bought the upgraded AVC9000-1 for my Golf Mk5 & it works pretty good, the sound quality is less than my RCD500 (stock head unit) but not bad, I'm going to shove an Amp in which may give it a boost & the satnav part works all good, as far as things being slow, if you have a mp3 disk in the unit with over 170 songs on it like i do & you start the car it comes up with the intro screen for around 5 seconds whilst it reads the entire disk then goes into whatever mode you were in previously & there is a button on the unit called DIM but it doesn't DIM, it either has the screen showing or the screen is switched off (but all functions as normal) there is no inbetween which is a nuisance as it is too DIM during the day & too bright during the night (unless I have missed something). So for me it is a matter of the sound quality being just ok (not good & not bad) & the DIM function. The ole saying 'You pay for what you get.' I couldn't afford the mega bucks at the start for the proper version so am getting 'the look' on the cheap. I bought mine through Auspack in Melbourne off Rob who was very helpfull in the setup (even though I self installed he offered me advice free of charge). Hope this helps. Nath
    Come on down Mr Sheen

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