Pretty sure from memory that they dropped the tax and then added their exorbitant shippiing so it worked out about the same.
Did you have to pay the 19% tax component ? Surely thats just for domestic purchasers ?
She's Mine at last MY10 R36 Icelandic Grey Wagon Sat-Nav |Reverse Cam |Sunroof |MDI |Slimline Weather Shields |SUPERCHARGER (standard ;-P)
Pretty sure from memory that they dropped the tax and then added their exorbitant shippiing so it worked out about the same.
If you are buying anything from them let me know, I'd like an MDI extension cable but won't buy it from them when it's only about 40 euros while the shipping is 85. Happy to chip in a fair proportion of the postage cost if anyone else is buying anything from them, plus the cost of then posting it to me in Oz.