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Thread: PETITION: Additional categories for specific passat models as opposed to 'b4 onwards'

  1. #1
    Unkonwn_User Guest

    Lightbulb PETITION: Additional categories for specific passat models as opposed to 'b4 onwards'

    Last edited by Unkonwn_User; 20-12-2024 at 12:31 AM.

  2. #2
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    lol @ the petition in the title....

    We've added more categories to other areas previously when asked. One of the things that the admins and supermods will look at is whether there is enough members and traffic to support separating the models into specific subforums, and also, I'm sure another factor will be how much changes there are between the models or whether they share a common platform (I'm not a Passat expert, so one of the other mods will need to look at this).

    Recently, at the request of members, the admins and a supermod spent days of work separating the Skoda subforum into model specific and refiling/separating threads into those subforums....
    ... only to have the members complain a little while later that they liked it when it was all the one subforum.

    So all of those things will need to be looked at and considered. But not by me, cause I hardly visit this section of the woods

  3. #3
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    Mate, all feedback is taken on board but not necessarily immediately implemented.

    I am sure your suggestion will be discussed.

  4. #4
    Unkonwn_User Guest
    Thanks for the quick replies guys.

    Yes im well aware that the changes must be feasible in order to be implemented and that changes take time. The point of this thread was to see if others also feel it would be worth making the changes (as you said to get an idea of traffic etc)

    Personally i don't feel searching for anything passat related is useful at the moment. Might as well scroll through every page hoping you find what you are after. Compare it to Golfs and Jettas for example.

    Hopefully others will share their opinions too.

  5. #5
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    So looking at the Wikipedia, they say that the models are as follows:
    B1 (Typ 32, 1973–1981)
    B2 (Typ 32B, 1981–1988 )
    B3 and B4 (Typ 35i, 1988–1996)
    B5 and B5.5 (Typ 3B/3BG, 1996–2005)
    B6 and B7 (Typ 3C, 2005–present)

    From a "Golf point of view", the B6 and B7 are just like the MKV and MK6 - except from a post and thread count, there doesn't seem to be enough of a membership to justify the separation.

    Without digging deep into what the ownership distribution is between members, I'd hazzard a guess that if the "B4 onwards" forum were to be split it should end up something like:
    - B4 threads being merged into the B1-3, since the B4 is the same platform as the B3 according to Wiki.
    - B5/B5.5 subforum
    - B6/B7 subforum

    If we were expecting an influx of new B7 Passat owners, you could separate B6 and B7, but just like the Golf MKV / MK6, you will end up with a lot of threads in each forum on the same topic. That's fine if the user base is large enough to support it, but could be counter productive if the user base is too small.

  6. #6
    Unkonwn_User Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Corey_R View Post
    - B4 threads being merged into the B1-3, since the B4 is the same platform as the B3 according to Wiki.
    - B5/B5.5 subforum
    - B6/B7 subforum
    I think that would be great!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Passatworld and VWVotex has separate forums for the diff model range.. Good idea I would say..
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  8. #8
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    VWVortex has 612,344 members (45,786 active) compared to our 26,620 members (8,926 active).
    Passat World is dedicated to the Passat world-wide, and has 84,562 members (doesn't say how many have been active recently).

    So the situation is a little different.
    As I said with the Skoda forum example. We need to make sure that there are enough members to support having the split so it doesn't end up having a negative effect.

    I feel there should be enough B6 and B7 owners. I'm not personally sure about the B5 and B4 members.

  9. #9
    Unkonwn_User Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Corey_R View Post
    I feel there should be enough B6 and B7 owners. I'm not personally sure about the B5 and B4 members.
    Just thought id add b6 and b7 owners wouldn't have too much of a problem seeing as all the recent threads are about those models.

    Personally i find it difficult to find info on the b5 models on these forums. But as you said it could just be due to the fact that not many b5 owners are on here.

    Will just wait and see.

  10. #10
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    For what it is worth, i like the fact that there is a bit of depth of history in this group... I was a disciple of subaru in the past, so have only recently piqued an interest when a) subaru dropped the ball with their current crop of cars b) Three mates have driven me around in their GTI V, Golf V R 32, Golf VI R... That plus the B7 with the R36 motor appearing just at the right time... a nice sleeper executive estate that looks like it couldn't pull the skin off boiled milk... he he

    I have been able to seek out the history , learn to identify a B5 from a 5.5, see the evolution and the technical development of the model... etc.

    The more i follow this forum, The more excited i get about my new arrival and the sooner I want november to arrive! B6 and CC is where the knowledge is at (a b7 forum would be what, 3 blokes with brand spankers + a half dozen waiting for the boats to dock? ) the B5 stuff intermingled i find an interisting backstory and history of the car I am getting...

    my 2c is I like it as it is... but I spose I am only a lightweight user as my car isnt here yet so I am just soaking stuff up...



    Having a Gap Year!!!!
    what next?... what next?


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