Try Milford Industries.
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Does anyone know if you can get the cargo partition for the passat wagon?
Am after the metal one that goes from the floor to roof behind the back seats.
VW website does not show them as an accessory.
1974 1300 Beetle, 1997 Golf GL, 2003 New Beetle Cabrio, 2014 Audi A4 quattro
Try Milford Industries.
Welcome to Milford Industries
There is one now, part number VGA805419PAS09. The VW dealer should have them in there parts system. I've also got an image from VWA of this barrier if you want to see what it looks like installed. Just send me a PM with your email address.
There's also a half one (roof to top of seats) available in the US and Europe (part number 3C9-017-221), but it's not ADR certified and probably not compliant. I've got one and it works really well. Easy to install and remove and means you can still use the ski hole as opposed to the VWA one. Note, I don't carry anything heavy in the back unless it's tied down, so I'm happy with the level of protection the US/Europe one provides.
Last edited by hosko11; 07-10-2010 at 03:21 PM.
also check hayman reese they do after market product like this. ( though probably not the passat)
had a passat tdi. now mb c class.