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Thread: passat SD card issue

  1. #1
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    passat SD card issue

    I have been using a USb stick to access music on the MDI, which I love.
    I recently bought a 32GB Sandisk SD card to use simultaneously, so that my wife and I can have our music on different devices but still access them without having to change USB sticks.

    As a test I copied the music that was on my USB drive to the SD card, so the folder formats etc are the same. however, I find that the unit takes a considerable time before it starts playng music from the SD card, but is quick with the USB stick. I've also noticed that sometimes the first note of a song is cut off on the SD card.

    Does the unit not like SD cards, or is it that I have a dodgy card? I have used several different USB sticks and they all work fine.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by dood View Post
    I have been using a USb stick to access music on the MDI, which I love.
    I recently bought a 32GB Sandisk SD card to use simultaneously, so that my wife and I can have our music on different devices but still access them without having to change USB sticks.

    As a test I copied the music that was on my USB drive to the SD card, so the folder formats etc are the same. however, I find that the unit takes a considerable time before it starts playng music from the SD card, but is quick with the USB stick. I've also noticed that sometimes the first note of a song is cut off on the SD card.

    Does the unit not like SD cards, or is it that I have a dodgy card? I have used several different USB sticks and they all work fine.
    German forum to the rescue once again: apparently the VW unit is mindboggingly picky about SD quality. If it's even slightly dodgy it will give you grief. It's also a better indicator of a dying SD than the proverbial canary in the coalmine.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marakai View Post
    It's also a better indicator of a dying SD than the proverbial canary in the coalmine.
    Thanks for the quick response. It's a brand new SD card so should not be dying. I bought it from Kogan - hope it's not fake!
    At least I now know to stick with USB. Maybe a 64GB one to store enough music. does anyone know if there's a size limit before the MDI stops coping? I've read that you should have lots of folders so that you don't have too many songs in one folder. Has anyone had luck using an external hard drive instead of a USB stick? I guess it would have to be formatted to FAT.

  4. #4
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    I only have every used sandisk and Kingston with absolutely no problems. kogan sd card is likely some cheap chinese crap, not saying that their other cards are like that but sd card quality can vary widely.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by dood View Post
    I have been using a USb stick to access music on the MDI, which I love.
    I recently bought a 32GB Sandisk SD card to use simultaneously, so that my wife and I can have our music on different devices but still access them without having to change USB sticks.
    I suspect that Sandisk's flash memory products may be slightly proprietary in nature. I have a number of Sandisk products of varying ages, and I've noticed that funny things can happen with most of them. I had an old USB flash disk that would rarely be recognised by Windows the first time you plug it in. I've got another Sandisk USB flash disk that my HP Proliant ML350 server wouldn't boot ESXi from (booted fine from another cheapo Apacer USB flash disk I had floating around).

    I've currently got a 32gb Sandisk Ultra microSD in an adaptor in my RCD510, and it seems to work fine. The only glitch I've had was a few days ago, when the RCD suddenly stopped playing my music and said there was a problem with the card. Ejecting the card and reinserting it fixed the problem, and it has been playing fine since.

  6. #6
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    I use a 32gig SD card and it has about 1500 individual tracks in the root directory and it plays OK on my RNS510.

    Also have 18gig on the HDD and they all play ok except it tends to play them in track order Like all track 1 then all track 2 etc PITA
    as you have to delete them individually and there are thousands
    ATM am using a Bauhn SD card that I got from Aldi and apart from once not reading it has been OK. I just pulled it and reinserted it and away it went again
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hillbilly View Post
    Also have 18gig on the HDD
    Am I missing something? I have a MY11 passat 118 and it doesn't have a HDD. Is this an optional extra or something that was fitted to newer models?

    I'll try ejecting and re-inserting the SD card before doing anything else.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by dood View Post
    Am I missing something? I have a MY11 passat 118 and it doesn't have a HDD. Is this an optional extra or something that was fitted to newer models?

    I'll try ejecting and re-inserting the SD card before doing anything else.
    You need to have the RNS510 to get the HDD. If you have an RCD510 then I think you miss out. The HDD is 30 GB & I think it is partitioned for 10GB for navigation software etc & 20GB for music.
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    Quote Originally Posted by MJW View Post
    You need to have the RNS510 to get the HDD. If you have an RCD510 then I think you miss out. The HDD is 30 GB & I think it is partitioned for 10GB for navigation software etc & 20GB for music.
    Mine has a 40 gig and is partitioned 90/5/5 as per the Firmware threads on the forum.

    They are supposed to be 30 gig but a lot are actually 40gig They were originally 30 and partitioned 20/10 to accommodate the large European maps
    Not all SANDISK cards on sale are genuine either, in fact about 90% of Ebay ones are fake.

    Have been caught ONCE and once with a Motorola Bluetooth headset, Got my money back both times however

    Also my SD card is a class 10 as the lesser ones like class 4 are too slow for the other use I have in a video camera.
    Last edited by Guest001; 18-04-2013 at 04:15 PM.
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
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