I know this has been done before but it is a new year and the premiums only go UP so worth sharing info I reckon
I just got my insurance renewal
GIO 2008 TDI wagon rating 1 with NCB protection $600 excess and Named drivers over 30 only, Agreed value of $41,790
$1114.72. After shopping around I called and they dropped it to $1050. Same details via their online system is $1036...
I contacted AAMI and got a similar cover for $1070 ish but they DONOT allow choice of repairer
Others that I got were:-
1Cover online - $947, agreed valuer of $42170, named drivers only, excess $600 - No rating protection (worth about $70 P.A)
RACV - $968, agreed value $41700, named drivers only, excess $550.00, "Free" rating protection
Progressive Direct online - $905, market value ($37K ish IIRC), excess $600, no rating protection
Given I loose the multi policy discount if I move cover I have decided it is not worth me changing...