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Thread: Passat 125TDI Please Help!

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Perth WA

    I used BP ultimate 90% of the time (in WA). Rural towns like Albany, Margaret River didnt have ultimate... so a couple of tanks were "regular" diesel from BP.
    Mk 7.5 Golf R

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    ivanhoe vic
    any updates antone hope it gets resolved quickly
    B6 Passat Wagon No KESSY

  3. #13
    Join Date
    May 2010
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    Seems like another fuel injector failure case...
    I'm wondering if it's got anything to do with driving style of the owner (too slow or too fast?)
    or there is actually a high rate of failure with Piezo electric injectors.
    Any thoughts guys?
    Last edited by mebius9; 11-12-2010 at 10:40 AM.

  4. #14
    Join Date
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    Queensland, Australia
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    Update, update, update!

    Okay - so a quick report on where things are at!

    VW Rockhampton, currently underwater I suppose, tested a few things out and carried out a bit of work.

    Initially they changed out the fuel filter and cleaned the fuel lines which did not resolve the issues. They also drained the tank and tested the fuel. Results of this: fuel filter quite dirty, fuel not the best quality - a lot of dirty diesel around up north apparently. So all cleaned out and replaced - no resolution of the vehicle though.

    Then VW started heavier diagnostics - they got in touch with VW Tech who advised them of further tests they wanted carried out and the test, send results, recieve more tests based on results sent etc. tag game ensued.

    Finally they have decided that the follow work needs to be carried out - 1. Remove and replace injector wiring loom, 2. remove and replace injector #1. All up around $4000- worth of work.

    Thankfully, given the car was only just out of warranty, time wise and km wise and had a full log book service history, VW Australia has decided to come to the party and has stated that they will pay for all of the repairs.

    Lesson to be learnt here I feel - TAKE YOUR CAR TO A VW DEALERSHIP!

    1. There's no way Joe Blogs Automotive (JBA) could have diagnosed this...
    2. There's no way JBA would have paid for it...
    3. There's no way I'd trust / feel confident with JBA carrying out these repairs without VW Tech Assist back up...

    So let's hope that these repairs fully deal with the issues and get the car back on the road again.

    Thanks to Rockhampton Prestige VW for all their help and work so far and for the positive result achieved with VW goodwill, and thanks to VW Australia for backing up their product.

    Let ya'll know how things get on!
    2008 Passat 125TDI DSG, Leather.
    2007 MkV Golf GTI - APR, 188kW, Leather, Manual.

  5. #15
    Join Date
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    Queensland, Australia
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    Someone (God?) doesn't want me to have my car lol...

    So... got an update from the dealership today...

    All the car is okay - out of the floods! BUT! All parts arrived except the injector that is stuck with TNT freight outside of Rockhampton! Ha!

    AND it gets better! Even if I could somehow magically teleport the injector to the dealership there's no way I could get my car as 1. The airport is closed due to flooding and 2. the road out of Rocky is closed due to flooding! And there's more rain on the way!

    Oh dear... bah!

    Life; be in it eh?
    2008 Passat 125TDI DSG, Leather.
    2007 MkV Golf GTI - APR, 188kW, Leather, Manual.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    brisbane QLD
    let's hope this injector fixes it. I suppose you could have it a whole lot worse at the moment... eg a Rocky house owner...

  7. #17
    Join Date
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    Indeed Lams - got a lot of mates in Rocky and Emerald... doing it tought at the moment - did some disaster relief work in Emerald last week and things were looking bad for many people - one friend lost house and all... but his kids and wife and dog are all safe and sound, sort of puts things into perspective eh?
    2008 Passat 125TDI DSG, Leather.
    2007 MkV Golf GTI - APR, 188kW, Leather, Manual.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    My eldest brother is in Emerald.. Stayed dry, but had his boat on his front lawn tied to the verandah post, ready to go... Lot luckier than others...
    MY08 Passat 2.0 TDI Wagon
    Trialling golf ball aerodynamics theory - random pattern, administered about 1550 on Christmas Day, 2011.

  9. #19
    Join Date
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    Adelaide hills, SA
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    Quote Originally Posted by antone_86 View Post
    Okay - so a quick report on where things are at!

    VW Rockhampton, currently underwater I suppose, tested a few things out and carried out a bit of work.

    Initially they changed out the fuel filter and cleaned the fuel lines which did not resolve the issues. They also drained the tank and tested the fuel. Results of this: fuel filter quite dirty, fuel not the best quality - a lot of dirty diesel around up north apparently. So all cleaned out and replaced - no resolution of the vehicle though.

    Then VW started heavier diagnostics - they got in touch with VW Tech who advised them of further tests they wanted carried out and the test, send results, recieve more tests based on results sent etc. tag game ensued.

    Finally they have decided that the follow work needs to be carried out - 1. Remove and replace injector wiring loom, 2. remove and replace injector #1. All up around $4000- worth of work.

    Thankfully, given the car was only just out of warranty, time wise and km wise and had a full log book service history, VW Australia has decided to come to the party and has stated that they will pay for all of the repairs.

    Lesson to be learnt here I feel - TAKE YOUR CAR TO A VW DEALERSHIP!

    1. There's no way Joe Blogs Automotive (JBA) could have diagnosed this...
    2. There's no way JBA would have paid for it...
    3. There's no way I'd trust / feel confident with JBA carrying out these repairs without VW Tech Assist back up...

    So let's hope that these repairs fully deal with the issues and get the car back on the road again.

    Thanks to Rockhampton Prestige VW for all their help and work so far and for the positive result achieved with VW goodwill, and thanks to VW Australia for backing up their product.

    Let ya'll know how things get on!
    1. I would be out of the business if it took me a one month or more to properly diagnose and repair your car. (you still don't have it back from the dealer, is that right?) the diesel mechanic with 1/2 the brain and VCDS cable, or car enthusiast reading this forum would diagnose it faster and repair it faster/cheaper.
    2. You're right, why would I or any mechanical workshop pay for VW mishaps?
    3. That's you're option.

    Best of luck!

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    ivanhoe vic

    Good luck hope you get it back soon
    B6 Passat Wagon No KESSY

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