So a little update on the ongoing saga...
Got the car back Saturday 22/01/10. Engine cover missing, service booklet missing... wow. Couldn't complain too much, wasn't paying for it, items are on their way in the post with the paperwork.
Apparently work completed included replacement of No. 2 injector, wiring harness, cleaning/servicing of all injectors and fuel lines, replacement of fuel filter etc. I was going to post an update here when all my paperwork arrived with the specifics but it hasn't yet.
Younger brother's birthday on the weekend just gone, headed to the Sunshine Coast. Got all the way there, drove all weekend etc. On the way home, again, the piece of 'insert rude word here' carked it again same conditions, same symptoms so I am assuming it is ANOTHER injector... This time 10km north of Gin Gin... so now the car is in Bundaberg, I am in Gladstone again and the fun starts all over...

Can anyone please help a guy who's getting kicked whilst he's down and give me some opinions on the following?
1) Do you think VW will reopen the goodwill case because this all happened only 1 week and less than a tank of fuel after I got the car back? If so, will they go for all 4 injectors? It would appear logical and the parts guy I am dealing with from the Bundy service dept. says 'that's what we usually do'...?
2) I've read elsewhere on the forums that the new injectors are a newer model that dont have the same design fault as the old ones - is this true? Has anyone had all 4 replaced and done some serious miles hasslefree?
3) Is it sensible keeping this car once it is repaired given my relative isolation from VW? (I am only 24 and respect those with greater life experience than myself and their opinions!) As we know the injectors have a 2 year parts and labour warranty...
Really starting to be at my wits end with this car... it's upsetting and frustrating enough to have it happen once but again, after having it for one week...
