Originally Posted by
.... I was just informed by service manager that the diesel injectors have failed but luckily this part is COVERED UNDER 7 YEAR VW WARRANTY (saving me many thousands of $$$).
Everyone who has this problem, irrespective whether or not they are getting their car serviced by VW dealers should get their injectors replaced FREE OF CHARGE on failure, if the car is less than 7 years old.....
Thought I had dodged a bullet until mine just died. Started normally and idling for 15 seconds while I put away the sun shade. Minor engine shudder and stopped and would not start again. Felt just like it had run out of fuel (it hadn't). Towed to local dealer after work friday and they looked at it Tuesday PM.
Service manager rang to advise they would be replacing all 4 injectors plus harness (needed no prompting from me at all). He also advised that VWA warranted these parts for 7 years rather than std 3 year warranty. Only cost to me will be my choice of $25 to cover air freight of parts ex Sydney as warranty only covers road freight. Not material in this case but I also have the extended warranty.
MY2008 purchased new in May 2008 and now with 50000Km
Only 4 days after a 7400 odyssey down and then up the east coast without missing a beat so very glad I was only 2Km from dealer. Cost me $144 to join RACQ which covered the tow and was cheaper than the $175 call out for non members!!!!
Last edited by vanDub; 18-03-2012 at 04:00 PM.
Reason: purchase year
Granite Passat sedan TDI (125kw), DSG, beige leather
Candy White Polo 6R, 66TDI, DSG, no options