Maverick had it. It's a known problem with them - they don't always activate when you select reverse gear.
From what I can make out, this is the story -
Reverse camera in the Golf is a relatively simple one. It connects to the reverse lights, and when you engage reverse it activates, and the signal is submitted directly to the RNS510, which detects the input (having been coded that it has a RVC Low (no controller) installed). Works well, and can be set up using EITHER the combined badge / camera that opens on reversing, OR just with the camera on its own.
Passat CC and Passat station wagon reverse camera is a higher-tech one that alters lines on the screen based on your steering wheel position. I.e. it shows you where the car will go. This requires an interface or controller. That controller needs to be CAN BUS aware, so it knows the steering wheel position.
Kufatec offer a solution for the Passat that uses their own controller, but it has some issues. They also offer a CC package that I think may be the whole box and dice... I have sent them an email asking what is included in it.
I believe (although not yet confirmed) that you can install the less sophisticated Golf solution into a Passat with no more difficulty than into a Golf... when i get more info I will post up here.
Sorry to take so long to get back to you. My wagon has landed in Melbourne yesterday, but hadn't gone over to Patricks from the shipping line when the dealer checked yesterday afternoon. I ordered on June 30th, but now have to wait for the wagon to go to Mildura, go through dealer delivery and get the last bit of tinting done, have a wheel alignment (not yet arranged, but sounds a great idea from another recent post) and then travel down to me in Adelaide for handover. All a bit convoluted really, but the guys in Mildura could do the best price and have been very god to deal with so far.
BTW I like the wheels for what that's worth but I reckon I'll look for something in charcoal when the time comes