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Thread: Fuel filter water trap

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Blackburn, VIc

    Fuel filter water trap

    I have just bought this 07 Passat TDI.

    Where is the fuel filter located and where how do I drain the water trap if one exists?

    I assume the filter is the big black cartridge front left in the engine bay?

    Any help appreciated.

  2. #2
    brackie Guest

    Water trap

    You shouldn't panic. If you were unfortunate enough to fill up at a dodgy service station then you may get some water in the fuel and if you did she'd probably stop so you'd have to replace the filter anyway, but other than that draining the filter is usually not necessary between filter changes. Lots of diesels don't even have a water trap (good onya VW) and they tonk along without problems.


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