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Thread: Engine Oil Discussion

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Engine Oil Discussion

    Couple of things re. oil i've been pondering...

    1. Should I change my oil more often then once every 15000km/12mths?

    2. What is the best oil?
    RIP! 2007 Passat 3.2 4Motion Black Sedan | 19"s | AVC-9000 | Audi A3 Sportback 2.0TFSIQ

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Sydney - the regressing city
    1. Probably depends on your driving style (jackrabbit vs sedate), driving conditions (eg city vs highway), environment (4 seasons vs 2 seasons)... I normally change mine every 10k or less and try to make at least 2 changes in a year...

    2. Usually use synthetic - have not discerned any difference between brands as long as they meet the highest standard (think it is SM now) and is of the correct viscosity...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Hey 3Putt,

    I just went in today to get a (wait for it...shock horror... FREE) oil top up from my dealer as the yellow oil symbol light had come up on my .:R36. After they finished i asked the service guy which oil they recommend and he said they use Castrol 5W-30(maybe CASTROL EDGE SPORT 5W-30). Hope this helps.

    On another note, a "Check Tyre Pressures" warning message kept coming up on my MFD when i started the car. Asked them about it, they checked it out and said i had inflated the tyres to much. Told them, nope, havent inflated/deflated the tyres since i got the car (end of Nov '0. He goes, "whoops, we must of then before we gave the car to you."
    I really hope this hasn't shortened the life of the tyres. He recommened 42psi.
    FYI: check your tyre pressures on your new car or like others have said, get a wheel alignment.


  4. #4
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    Good Old High School Physics!

    Hey Jayse, rackin my brains (read Google), and I think its called the "Ideal Gas Law".. Basically the upshot of it is...


    Need to let some air out every summer, and put some back in every winter.

    Thanks for the info on the oil - gonna get a 'tweeny' oil change since the oil is now 6mths old.

    P.S. The warning will go off (for 'partly loaded' setting) under 38psi. Don't know the upper threshold.

    P.S.S. Did they have an explanation for the missing oil? That would be worrying the hell out of me. New car should not be consuming oil.
    Last edited by 3Putt; 21-01-2009 at 05:07 PM.
    RIP! 2007 Passat 3.2 4Motion Black Sedan | 19"s | AVC-9000 | Audi A3 Sportback 2.0TFSIQ

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Didn't ask about the over consumption.
    Having done the Melb-Syd return trip got anything to do with it??

    Good point on the air pressure, will keep that in mind.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    If you're concerned about fluctuating tyre pressures as the seasons change then one solution would be to use nitrogen. Many people use it as it is not as suseptable to temperature change so it maintains the tyre pressure at a far more constant level. If you've ever seen a car on the road with red valve caps it because they're running nitrogen. I use to run it in my Clio Sport and only ever got an increase of 1 PSI on a stinking hot day after some hard driving.

    I've alway been a huge fan of Motul oil. One of the worlds most highly regarded oils especially amongst the racing fraternity. It's mighty expensive but the best always costs more.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    This topic has been done to death repeatedly.

    Many VWs use oil early in their life.

    VW dealers will happily top up for free between changes.

    Learn to use your dipstick or fear being labeled a dipstick......

    Learn to use a tyre pressure guage. More often than on season change. Put extra pressure in when fully laden, remove when not.

    Read your manual, it's all in there.

    Let search be your friend - it's all on the forum already as well.

    Look in the Fuels and Lubricants section.

    VWs require a VW approved oil or at least a reputable one that meets the spec for your engine.

    2008 Blue Graphite GTI DSG with Latte leather. SOLD 4/9/2024

    2023 T-ROC R - Sunroof, Black Pack, Beats Audio

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Thread Starter
    Thanks Gerhard for your blunt and arrogant response.

    As many forum users know, a search will often bring up old, outdated and unspecific results. It is sometimes quicker to just start a new thread.

    C'mon Gerhard, this forum is not actually being 'overun' with new threads. What's the harm in a new thread every day or two, even if the subject has been discussed elsewhere. I was specifically after comments from passat owners, hence the location of the thread.

    My friend, you must have had a fight with the wife today, like me. Either that or you actually are German!!!
    RIP! 2007 Passat 3.2 4Motion Black Sedan | 19"s | AVC-9000 | Audi A3 Sportback 2.0TFSIQ

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by 3Putt View Post
    Thanks Gerhard for your blunt and arrogant response.

    As many forum users know, a search will often bring up old, outdated and unspecific results. It is sometimes quicker to just start a new thread.

    C'mon Gerhard, this forum is not actually being 'overun' with new threads. What's the harm in a new thread every day or two, even if the subject has been discussed elsewhere. I was specifically after comments from passat owners, hence the location of the thread.

    My friend, you must have had a fight with the wife today, like me. Either that or you actually are German!!!
    No worries. Why call me friend when you really mean the opposite????

    Passat engines are the same as Golf engines, and the tyres have air just like the golf & polo, etc. Therefore restricting your enquiry to Passat owners only will give you an entirely too small sample of potential responses.

    With a Join date of April 2008 and 141 posts, I can't believe you haven't seen the very recent posts about oil consumption and which oils are suitable.

    Surely you read more than just the Passat section ?

    2008 Blue Graphite GTI DSG with Latte leather. SOLD 4/9/2024

    2023 T-ROC R - Sunroof, Black Pack, Beats Audio

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Melbournes Inner North

    cool....our own little passat flame war

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