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Thread: early seventies

  1. #1
    6adam7 Guest

    early seventies

    hey thinking about getting a 75, 76 passat...could you guys possibly fill me in on them? pitfalls, problems, things to watch out for...where they know,.. any info that you Passers have learned over time?..any info at all would be much appreciated..
    Steve (WA)

  2. #2
    syncro Guest
    '74 = 1500 motor
    '76 = 1600 motor and made in Australia
    '77 on 1600+fully imported from Germany

    (I don't think that there are any '75 Passats here)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Melbourne VIC
    Welcome to our forum... There is a huge amount of knowlegde so no probs getting info...

    My old man had a 75 TS Passat and he said it was a great car, so yeah 75 came to Oz... Just make sure you get your suspension set up correctly because the front end isnt that great at handling... They are getting pretty rare so make sure you snap up as many as you can for parts and so...

    Good Luck

    Last edited by Water Boy; 05-12-2006 at 12:27 PM.

  4. #4
    brackie Guest

    Post '76

    Highly recommend that you look for a fully imported model You'll get better colours, build quality, a short (and delightful) gear stick, plastic end-cap bumpers and better seats with more lateral support. Down side is that it'll have aniti-pollution gear that's a pain but has brobably been disconnected/modified. If this has been done properly the car will run OK, if not you'll never get it in tune.

    I'm sure that syncro will elaborate on this

  5. #5
    syncro Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Water Boy
    My old man had a 76 TS Passat and he said it was a great car, so yeah 76 came to Oz...
    TS was a 1500
    All '76 were 1600

    I forgot, there were also 1300 Passats ('74)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Thumbs up

    Welcome Waterboy,
    I have a 73 model build no: 324, one of the first in Oz. Have a look in the vBPicGallery (will add some later). I have the 1500 engine but in the lower Hp configuration. I have the original handbook and 5 repair books. If youwant more info PM me.
    Old Skool Passat Power Rules!!!
    1974 Passat LS with a SEAT 1.8, 32/36 Weber, full performance exhaust and a K&N filter. 80kw at the wheels??

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Melbourne VIC
    Quote Originally Posted by vinderliker
    Welcome Waterboy,
    I have a 73 model build no: 324, one of the first in Oz. Have a look in the vBPicGallery (will add some later). I have the 1500 engine but in the lower Hp configuration. I have the original handbook and 5 repair books. If youwant more info PM me.
    I think your refering to 6adam7 yeah...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Melbourne VIC
    Quote Originally Posted by syncro
    TS was a 1500
    All '76 were 1600

    I forgot, there were also 1300 Passats ('74)
    Sorry my fault my old man had a 75 TS Passat...

  9. #9
    syncro Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by vinderliker
    Welcome Waterboy,
    I have a 73 model build no: 324, one of the first in Oz. Have a look in the vBPicGallery (will add some later). I have the 1500 engine but in the lower Hp configuration. I have the original handbook and 5 repair books. If youwant more info PM me.
    That's a '74.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Users Country Flag

    Pre 76 models had a different gearbox mounting which caused some movement, 76 on was vastly improved but the welded section on the lower firewall caused cracking and the spot welds failed. Check carefully on the lhs lower firewall area. Also the later gearchanges were prone to wearing out hard to find bushes.
    Warning too, some parts are getting very hard to find these days!!!!!
    They are a reliable car though, and welcome to the forum!!!!
    Par 6 Golf GTI. Coilovers, BBS CH Wheels, APR'd
    Caddy van 05/07 (colourcoded) (BRIGHT! orange!) coilovers, Konis 18in. wheels, Oettinger tuned

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