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Thread: Climatronic problem

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Well mine was struggling with moderate sunlight and not overly hot days recently, driving between Canowindra, Parkes and Dubbo. Outside temp was 28-31, reasonably pleasant to walk around WP Zoo, but the car was really struggling to keep it cool, even with the dial set to LO. As soon as the sun started going down, the car became a freezer, with temp set at about 23....

    AC performance is just one more of those things that's really disappointed me with my car...
    MY08 Passat 2.0 TDI Wagon
    Trialling golf ball aerodynamics theory - random pattern, administered about 1550 on Christmas Day, 2011.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by passatpout View Post
    Well mine was struggling with moderate sunlight and not overly hot days recently, driving between Canowindra, Parkes and Dubbo. Outside temp was 28-31, reasonably pleasant to walk around WP Zoo, but the car was really struggling to keep it cool, even with the dial set to LO. As soon as the sun started going down, the car became a freezer, with temp set at about 23.... AC performance is just one more of those things that's really disappointed me with my car...
    Shhesh, I'd end up with hypothermia if I did that! There's got to be something wrong with it. I live in Queensland, hot and humid and before I did the small mod blocking the sunlight hitting the dash sensor, it was just too cold and fans blew too high.

    BTW, it's still working a perfectly now. Just set it at 24 all day every day, and it's spot on.

    ---------- Post added at 11:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:23 AM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Gray Ghost View Post
    Clip I applaud you and would have nominated you for Aussie of the year but sadly I am being treated for frost bite!
    damn frostbite! but thanks anyway Gray Ghost, and I was hoping to get a crack at it this year too!
    Last edited by clip; 26-01-2012 at 11:28 AM.

  3. #23
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    No worries clip don't be to disappointed, perhaps you could take up acting that seems to work?

    I have not been able to try out your incredible fix just yet, reason being I also live in Qld on the Sunshine Coast and as you are aware it has been just a little wet and hot plus you can throw in a little bit of overcast weather which makes it just the right conditions for a little bit of "crouch pot cooking" geeeee, did I say that?

    Well before I tackle the stone wall of VWA I plan to watch this great movie for some inspiration it's called "The Spy That Came in From The Cold". I think it's about a German agent that came across to the good guy's because he had a MK6 Golf and not one of those cars that 007 drives with a working Climatronic system?

    Anyway as it's Aussie day I must go and get the beer from the back seat they should be chilled enough by now?

    I will keep you all advised of my progress or perhaps lack of with VWA.

    Keep Cool guy's

  4. #24
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    Hi, any action from VWA - not that I expect there will be. Deny deny and the customer will go away.......

    My MY12 Tiguan has exactly this problem, and dealer 'can't find any problem' when servicing.

    I'll try a few covers over the sensor - wonder if flyscreen or shadecloth (things I have in the garage) will work at filtering the sunlight - which seems to be causing the problem. Will let you know.

    Hard to believe VWA can't or won't address the issue, but car companies are as bad as banks or insurance when it comes to customer care.


  5. #25
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    I had a customer with a similar issue in a passat.

    I also found it to be caused by the sensor over compensating.

    I spoke to tech support about the issue and we fixed it.

    The climatronic is set to HOT COUNTRY, which means when sunlight is on it cools dramatically. They led me through a procedure and we set it back to standard. It was a change of the hexdecimals. I dont have this written down, as it was done live over the phone..

  6. #26
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    I've got a bad problem with my Climatronic... it STINKS. Terrible musty/mouldy scent sometimes. I had a similar issue with my Golf too after similar mileage. I leave it on Auto 22/23 pretty much all the time. I paid to have the system flushed a few weeks back which kept the smell away for a few days... now it's back. Anyone else had this problem??

  7. #27
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    Set off a disinfectant bomb in the car with the Air con on, on recirculate, then replace the pollen filter.
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
    '01 Beetle 2.0

  8. #28
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    How do u replace the filter? Mine stinks as well like vinegar.
    My car is only 4 months old.

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by buzuki View Post
    I had a customer with a similar issue in a passat.

    I also found it to be caused by the sensor over compensating.

    I spoke to tech support about the issue and we fixed it.

    The climatronic is set to HOT COUNTRY, which means when sunlight is on it cools dramatically. They led me through a procedure and we set it back to standard. It was a change of the hexdecimals. I dont have this written down, as it was done live over the phone..
    WHAT!!! All these people here having the same problem, taking it back to their bloody dealers, only to be told "there's nothing wrong with it" - and now we find that there is a simple setting that can be changed!!!

    Sheesh! If I were a dealer principal, I would make sure that at least once a week I got the head service person to sit on the bloody forums and read how to fix the cars they sell!!! I'm so pi!sed that this happens - and it happens too often.

    buzuki, I (and I'm sure lots of others) would be most grateful if you could in any way post up the settings, or let us know which dealer actually knew what to do (must be the only one in Australia that does!).

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by cru22z View Post
    How do u replace the filter? Mine stinks as well like vinegar.
    My car is only 4 months old.
    There's a thin foam liner under the glovebox that's held in with two thumb screws. Once that's removed, if you look up, and towards the centre of the dash, behind the glovebox, there's a cover a bit larger than the width and thickness of the filter. Remove this, and pollen filter will slide out, along with a heap of foliage.

    Quote Originally Posted by clip View Post
    WHAT!!! All these people here having the same problem, taking it back to their bloody dealers, only to be told "there's nothing wrong with it" - and now we find that there is a simple setting that can be changed!!!

    Sheesh! If I were a dealer principal, I would make sure that at least once a week I got the head service person to sit on the bloody forums and read how to fix the cars they sell!!! I'm so pi!sed that this happens - and it happens too often.

    buzuki, I (and I'm sure lots of others) would be most grateful if you could in any way post up the settings, or let us know which dealer actually knew what to do (must be the only one in Australia that does!).
    Most of the time, customers complain that the air con isn't cold enough. I can see where your dealership is coming from.
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
    '01 Beetle 2.0

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