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Thread: Auto Problems, Stuck in D Passat 2.8 v6 2001

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Perth WA

    Auto Problems, Stuck in D Passat 2.8 v6 2001


    I've got a 2001 Passat 2.8 V6 Auto.

    When you turn the ignition on the display is showing in 'D', (with the selector in Park),

    If you start the car, its still in 'D', If you move it into reverse, it makes a big clunk, and it will reverse.
    If you put it into drive it doesn't really clunk, but when you take off it feels like its taking off in third gear. (Limp home mode maybe)

    On the run, it changes say third fourth fifth smoothly without problem. stop and it takes off slow again like its in Third.

    Ive used my Ross-Tech Cable and no codes came up, talking to the individual auto controller, no codes.

    The day it happened i pulled up a little quick, and may have put it into reverse too quick.
    I'm thinking either ive physically snapped something, or its low on auto fluid (Its a pain to check)

    Any ideas?

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by showoff View Post

    I've got a 2001 Passat 2.8 V6 Auto.

    When you turn the ignition on the display is showing in 'D', (with the selector in Park),

    If you start the car, its still in 'D', If you move it into reverse, it makes a big clunk, and it will reverse.
    If you put it into drive it doesn't really clunk, but when you take off it feels like its taking off in third gear. (Limp home mode maybe)

    On the run, it changes say third fourth fifth smoothly without problem. stop and it takes off slow again like its in Third.

    Ive used my Ross-Tech Cable and no codes came up, talking to the individual auto controller, no codes.

    The day it happened i pulled up a little quick, and may have put it into reverse too quick.
    I'm thinking either ive physically snapped something, or its low on auto fluid (Its a pain to check)

    Any ideas?
    I saw another Passat, 1.8t, at the weekend, same symptoms. A pretty fast google leads me to think that the tranny needs a good flush out as a minimum. The valve body would probably want cleaning out too.


  3. #3
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    Yep try a good flush, had an A4 do the same thing, removed pan heaps of gunk and the oil wasn't much better, gave it a proper flush (machine), new filter and cleaned up the valve body, still was a little clunky (very minor) but a whole lot better than what it was. Checked shift solenoids while in there.

  4. #4
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    Could it be the TCM?

    What happens if you flick to neutral, turn off and re start, then flick to drive. Does it start in first now?
    Mk IV Golf GTI - BMP - GIAC chip, R32 wheels, KW coilovers, rear swaybar.
    Originally Posted by JoeVR
    I've never been a big fan of rotors, or really Japanese cars in general, so my choice would have to be..... an RX-8.

  5. #5
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    It drives fine. But just starts off each time in a higher gear than first, and clonks when you first put it in drive or reverse.

    Ive ordered a filter kit for it.

    I'll start there i guess, change the oil and filter and see what happens.

    Hopefully thats all it is.

  6. #6
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    Did you try what I suggested earlier?
    Mk IV Golf GTI - BMP - GIAC chip, R32 wheels, KW coilovers, rear swaybar.
    Originally Posted by JoeVR
    I've never been a big fan of rotors, or really Japanese cars in general, so my choice would have to be..... an RX-8.

  7. #7
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    Yeh mate, it doesn't do anything.

    No problems when scanning it with my Ross-tech cable either.

  8. #8
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    i've had TCM problems with a 1998 passat i used to have, with a sunroof, water got under the carpet and flooded the ecu. I had to replace it. What gave it away initually was my ross-tech wouldnt talk to the TCm, which is why i went looking under the carpet.

    On this car it works fine.

  9. #9
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    Ok, well it rules out the TCM. Hopefully the service fixes things.
    Mk IV Golf GTI - BMP - GIAC chip, R32 wheels, KW coilovers, rear swaybar.
    Originally Posted by JoeVR
    I've never been a big fan of rotors, or really Japanese cars in general, so my choice would have to be..... an RX-8.

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