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Thread: 2006 B6 V6 3.2L Passat 4-motion timing chain issue please help

  1. #11
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    Could it be noisy HLAs? Have you had the oil changed regularly? They can get quite noisy if they become clogged, not something you should ignore.... I certainly would *not* drive my car with that kind of noise emanating from the bonnet.
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  2. #12
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    My car has always been serviced on time and followed the servicing schedule. It has about 90,000 km on it. I am going to get it looked at soon, I haven't got the time because I got work. But is this noise normal for this car? I am sure I haven't heard this noise before. I opened the bonnet and checked the engine, it seems the noise is coming from the back of the engine where the timing chain is located. Should I be concerned?

  3. #13
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    And the ticking noise doesn't go away. It stays and can get quite loud if driving for long periods of time. (1 hour at least)

  4. #14
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    yes, you should be concerned.

    Timing chain is on the left IIRC.

    What do you mean by serviced "on time & following service schedule"? If your in Sydney traffic & lots of short trips then every possibly you need more frequent oil changes.

    Where do you get it serviced?
    Last edited by brad; 23-10-2014 at 05:55 PM.
    carandimage The place where Off-Topic is On-Topic
    I used to think I was anal-retentive until I started getting involved in car forums

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by brad View Post
    yes, you should be concerned.

    Timing chain is on the left IIRC.

    What do you mean by serviced "on time & following service schedule"? If your in Sydney traffic & lots of short trips then every possibly you need more frequent oil changes.

    Where do you get it serviced?
    Originally the car was serviced at VW dealership. The last two services were done at EuroHaus, European specialist for car servicing. The ticking, sounds very similar to this noise in this video - and this - and this -

    It doesn't go away the sound. One of the videos I have taken is after 1 hour of driving. The other one is just starting the car. The sound gets louder if driving for longer I think. I opened the bonnet of the car, a bit hard to tell where the sound is coming from exactly but it sounds like those youtube videos.

    What do you think it is likely?

  6. #16
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    no idea.

    I have enough trouble diagnosing stuff in person without trying it via youtube
    carandimage The place where Off-Topic is On-Topic
    I used to think I was anal-retentive until I started getting involved in car forums

  7. #17
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    I haven't had chance to get it checked yet by a mechanic. I will do that as soon as I can.

    Anyway, I opened the bonnet and the sound is coming from the driver's side of the engine after taking a closer look. It is also making another 'tick, tick, tick' noise' alongside the other noises it is already making in the video I uploaded. The temperature gauge on the speedometer is acting a bit unusual recently, it is showing 50 degrees and taking up about 10 minutes to reach 90 degrees (it's normal operating temperature). First it dropped to 80, then to 70 and then to 50. Is this normal? I also think my fuel consumption has gone up a little bit (5-10 percent?).


  8. #18
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    ^ if that timing chain fails and your engine blows up then you will regret not getting it looked at earlier. Our 2010 Golf GTI recently had a similar issue with a loose timing chain (due to a failing chain tensioner) and made a hell of a noise when you started the engine and i didn't drive in case it failed completely and would have cost a bomb to fix.

    What area of Sydney are you located in? Beyond Limit Auto's at Rydalmere are very highly regarded with VW repairs but Sydney is a big place and this may not be convenient to you. Also Umai Naa!! who has commented on this thread is a mobile VW mechanic who may be able to assess the car if you get in contact with him.
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  9. #19
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    I have uploaded another video on youtube showing the engine. It seems to be a 'click, click, click' or tick noise. Is this what it sounds like when you have a timing chain problem? Where is the user 'Umai Naa located? How do I get into contact with him?

  10. #20
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    The link is:, please take a look and let me know what you think? I only know one mechanic closeby to me, that is EuroHaus castle hill. Not sure if they are that experienced to identify this problem

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