Originally Posted by
. Also will adjust wheel circumference to give truer speedo reading as have done in my Tiguan.
What do you use as guidance for the value to apply? I had done it in the Golf I had by changing the Dashboard (17)/Long Coding/Wheel circ from version 1 to version 3 with 18" wheels to achieve a 1km under true speed. Originally it was 4km under true speed.
I theorised that as the entry level Golf came with 15" wheels than that would be version 1. Version 2 would there fore be 16" etc. I didn't want to be spot on just a faction under, hence happy with being 1km under.
Flipper Dog
Now - T-Roc R, Audi Q5
Past VWs- T-Roc R-Line, Golf 6, 7 and 7.5, Touareg 7L and 7P, Passat B5.5, Polo MK3, Polo MK4 and GTI