I have a ady block your more than welcome to take for free dude?
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Preferably after a 3a block (short block/bubble block of the 2.0 8vs) - this was (from my knowledge) found in an audi 80
Starting to piece together the bits and pieces needed for a 2.0L swap into the mk1
Cheers, Elton
I have a ady block your more than welcome to take for free dude?
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Has head, water pump, new timing belt and tensioner etc
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i'm just after the block dude as i'll throw on my RV head with my cam etc..
I'm trying to find a 3a as the tall block (ADY, 2E etc.) might pose some difficulties with my headers hitting the steering rack :/
Not what youre after but I have a complete AGG (engine that superseded the 2E) you can have for nothin.