Which part of the dash stopped working?
Hi all,
my dash has stopped working and i'm trying to trouble shoot at this stage, i suspect its a broken wire or connector but may be the dash itself is broken...
therefore i'm trying to get hold of a replacement dash just to test my theory, if anyone has one they can loan or sell i'd appreciate it please. name your beer brand for a loan or give me your best price including delivery to Brisbane please...
thanks in advance and fingers crossed as i know this is a long shot but i'm getting desperate...
Which part of the dash stopped working?
1978 MK1 2.0 16v http://www.vwwatercooled.com.au/foru...-46488-70.html
1991 MK2 GTI 2.0 8v, white (RIP) and it's red replacement http://www.vwwatercooled.com.au/foru...gti-42078.html
1997 MK3 CL http://www.vwwatercooled.com.au/foru...ml#post1292061
2001 & 2002 Bora 4motion. http://www.vwwatercooled.com.au/foru...st-123823.html
erm, all of it...
think it might be a poor power connection or may be the voltage stabilizer. the digital clock is the only thing that works so guessing the ground is good...
Do the switches still work?
1978 MK1 2.0 16v http://www.vwwatercooled.com.au/foru...-46488-70.html
1991 MK2 GTI 2.0 8v, white (RIP) and it's red replacement http://www.vwwatercooled.com.au/foru...gti-42078.html
1997 MK3 CL http://www.vwwatercooled.com.au/foru...ml#post1292061
2001 & 2002 Bora 4motion. http://www.vwwatercooled.com.au/foru...st-123823.html
you mean speedo cluster not a whole dash...I have spare nr u in Fernvale
german - english translations esp vw documents!!
Dismantling 95 Seat Cord'a and 73 campers and 74 dc van !!! Some Mk1 and t2 ant3 gear in my stash,,,