heres one for a 2009 model:
Haldex Controller - Suits R36 - Gen 4 with Remote Controller
Hey all, thanks for the help I ended up finding a Haldex controller. I still want to buy a gruppem intake or something else that will fit. I had a forge intake from an R32 but it never really fitted properly and I ended up removing it. Again it's for an R36, hoping someone is selling a used one as brand new aren't cheap haha. Thanks guys
Last edited by ArnzR36; 07-12-2014 at 10:14 PM. Reason: Update of list of things wanted to buy
heres one for a 2009 model:
Haldex Controller - Suits R36 - Gen 4 with Remote Controller
Call fast stuff. Dean is state apr dealer. Will get best price in vic
I got a Haldex unit in the shelf out of a Audi S3. 60 000 km built date 2009, working perfect.
$450 shipped